Bar-restaurant "van Gogh" and a summer terrace

Business description

Bar van Gogh was opened 24.07.2015 G., is currently the most popular entertainment place of the city of Azov. By holding daily events, bar van Gogh attracts audiences of different ages and statuses.

A bar is a room of 320 sq. m., 200 sq. m. of which is sales area. Located on the ground floor of the business centre "Petrovsky" Petrovsky Bulvar, 5A. The building is located in the heart of the city, in a pedestrian area. The bar features a bar with a length of 6 meters, dance floor, a stage, has 120 seats.

Summer terrace "van Gogh's Summer" was opened 4.06.2015, is a cozy place for family holidays and tourists. Located at 72 sqm, with a capacity of 44 seats equipped children's play area.

Financial ratios

100% share of business
Business price
17 000 000
Monthly net profit
350.000-550.000 в зависимости от сезона
Monthly average turnover
1.500.000-2.200.000 в зависимости от сезона
Monthly average expenses


Quantity of employees
Wages fund
320.000 RUB
Premise space
Three hundred twenty
Information about Landlord
The location in the property!
Additional information about premises

on the ground floor free 320 kV, which gives the possibility of opening a Banquet hall and.

Additional information

Business age
2 years
Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 38435
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: 100% share of business

Business price: 17 000 000

Monthly profit: 350.000-550.000 в зависимости от сезона

Monthly average turnover: 1.500.000-2.200.000 в зависимости от сезона

Monthly average expenses: 65%


1299 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Yakover Andrey Aleksandrovich

Food services, Recreation, Services