The agro-industrial complex

Business description

Sell the farm(OWNER), 1020 hectares of land in ownership, have the opportunity to purchase up to 3 000 Hectares. 2 houses for dairy cows in good condition at 1500 m2 each and 1 yard under a pig sty or sheep per 1000 m2 (all buildings there was evidence), meat 858, 5 m2 (with all equipment for production) with slaughtering, there are specialists in meat processing, technology, Also, the presence of all permits for meat processing. The room for the dairy plant. Workshop 291, 3 m2, warehouses, hay storage and grain storage 531, 6 m2. Silo 2000 ton, silage harvested, there are hay 200 bales of 450 lbs. There is a lake and forest, which are adjacent to the fields. Fields are adjacent to the village, which allows greenhouse, water, light (3 TP power 750 kW), gas. The net sales! Is not the pledge! URGENT!

Financial ratios

100% share of business
Business price
20 000 000
Monthly net profit
not indicated
Monthly average turnover
not indicated
Monthly average expenses
not indicated


Additional information

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 38453
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: 100% share of business

Business price: 20 000 000

Monthly profit: Not indicated

Monthly average turnover: Not indicated

Monthly average expenses: Not indicated

2135 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Mindyuk Ilya Dmitrievich

Russia, Nizhny Novgorod oblast, Nizhny Novgorod
Food industry, Agriculture, Plant industry