
Business description

We are selling new and used parts for phones, tablets, laptops, etc. the Organization was established in 11.2016 G. Very promising project, requiring a significant investment in the expansion of the range. We have suppliers with manufacturing plants, an extensive customer base willing to work with us.

Financial ratios

of business share (One %)
Price of business share
500 000
Monthly net profit
100 000
Monthly average turnover
500 000
Monthly average expenses
100 000


Additional information

Business age
less than a year
Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 38790
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: of business share

Share amount: One %

Business price: 500 000

Monthly profit: 100 000

Monthly average turnover: 500 000

Monthly average expenses: 100 000


1757 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Kislitsyin Mikhail Vladislavovich

Russia, Bashkortostan Republic, Ufa