Drugstores Tabletta

Advantages: • Pharmacies are located in major districts…

" data-yashareLink="https://onlbp.com/business-for-sale/p38894/" data-yashareImage="https://onlbp.com/assets/upload/32690/gallery/2017/10/02/gallery_JOEJ3E9WEa.jpg">

Business description

3 pharmacies, the brand "Tabletka"Advantages: • Pharmacies are located in major districts of Moscow (street of the National Militia), Moscow (microdistrict Serebryanka), Mytishchi (Komarova, the LCD contrast Christmas)all pharmacies made high-quality repairs, new equipment was bought, software there is advertising in the form of signs, logos, pharmacy crosses. All the signs agreed upon and set legally. There are also navigation banners. There are several marketing programs to attract and retain customers. Spread out over 3 000 plastic discount cards. About 30% of the customers are permanent. There are discounts for social cards and flyers. Formed by highly qualified staff. In each of the areas loyal to the landlord, ready to conduct any negotiations on cooperation.Also the price included Internet portal tabletta.ru and the brand "Tabletka"Completed work on the online store on the portal. Developments in SEO promotion of the portal.Sale of 100% shares of a legal entity. Indefinite pharmaceutical license.Apteka Moscow (street of the National Militia 29/1)the Pharmacy is located in the checkout area of the supermarket Olivier. Large throughput and good prospects of free development by attracting traffic from the supermarket. Currently, active work with customers. Are farm clubs for loyalty. Run promotions to attract new customers. Opening date of the pharmacy 01.04.2017Rent is 250 000 RUB/month.Pharmacy Mytischi (ul. Komarova, d. 2, korpus 2)the Pharmacy is located in a densely populated area, homes are new construction. Neighbors – Sberbank, school development for children's lighthouse (business class), on the LCD starts the settlement Christmas (business class), through which possible a manifold increase in number of customers + the close proximity of the medical center.The rent is 80 000 rubles/month.Pharmacy Pushkino (MD. Serebryanka, 48/2)Pharmacy located in a densely populated area, homes are new construction. The lack of competitors. Opposite the pharmacy offers a large medical center in the neighboring house opens children's medical center. Neighbors: a True supermarket, the liquor store. The pharmacy is located on the way of migration to/from work. Part of the premises may be sublet.The rent is 65 000 rubles/month.Plus trade balance 5 000 000 at the purchase price.

Financial ratios

100% share of business
Business price
1 000 000
Monthly net profit
not indicated
Monthly average turnover
3 500 000
Monthly average expenses
not indicated


Quantity of employees
Additional information on staff

2 governing

6 pharmacists

Additional information

Business age
Entity type


Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 38894
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: 100% share of business

Business price: 1 000 000

Monthly profit: Not indicated

Monthly average turnover: 3 500 000

Monthly average expenses: Not indicated

Website: tabletika.ru

659 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Smirnov Petr Vladimirovich

Russia, Moscow City
Medicine/ pharmaceutics