Business description

GREAT PHARMACY located on the 1st floor, the first line, a bright sign, in the same house with a post office. Close to city hospital. B sale includes equipment worth 1 million p. and product the balance on the purchase price, around 1 million rubles. The pharmacy is open six months, all the preparations are long shelf life. 2 fully equipped electronic cash register, 2 rooms, CCTV, burglar and fire alarms, without debts and encumbrances. The average markup on drugs is 27%. Pharmacy monthly shows good growth, 3-4 months will come to a breakeven point. Reason for sale — leaving the founder behind the border, non-core asset. Detailed information on the phone.

Financial ratios

100% share of business
Business price
1 590 000
Monthly net profit
not indicated
Monthly average turnover
700 000
Monthly average expenses
not indicated


Quantity of employees
Premise space
Forty six

Additional information

Business age
6 months
Entity type
Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 39118
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: 100% share of business

Business price: 1 590 000

Monthly profit: Not indicated

Monthly average turnover: 700 000

Monthly average expenses: Not indicated

515 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Russia, Krasnodar Krai, Krasnodar
Medicine/ pharmaceutics