Manufacturing and construction of lsts

Business description

Search for partners in the current business-production of lsts. Participation to 50%.(25 000 000 RUB.) Installment payments. Provide full-cycle: Design, Manufacturing, Construction.

Partner with us as active people do not have a large capital, but willing to make efforts for marketing of products and interested in the development of production, and other related areas on the following conditions: — payment of initial contribution (negotiated individually) — distribution of profit be made in the amount of up to 50%, of which a certain amount or % paid and the remaining part goes to purchase the shares (discussed individually)

With the active participation of the redemption of shares is possible at 6 months.

The production is located in the city of Rzhev (Tver region). Shop-1500 sq. m. (Property), land-6659 sq. m(rent), Electricity-400 kW, GAS. The possibility of a further three production lines.

In this period of time the production works only for internal needs — the construction of the village, 5 km from the city of Tver.

The reason for the search is the lack of time for production development.

Financial ratios

of business share (Fifty %)
Price of business share
25 000 000
Monthly net profit
not indicated
Monthly average turnover
not indicated
Monthly average expenses
not indicated


Additional information

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 39133
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: of business share

Share amount: Fifty %

Business price: 25 000 000

Monthly profit: Not indicated

Monthly average turnover: Not indicated

Monthly average expenses: Not indicated

542 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Nekryilov Valeriy Viktorovich

Russia, Tver Oblast, Tver