Studio eyelash

Business description

Studio eyelash extensions, located on the first front line of Prospect Mira, close proximity to the garden ring, two minutes walk from Sukharevskaya metro station.There is a private Parking behind the gate. There is an agreed sign. The room is beautiful and high-quality repairs, video surveillance, a powerful ventilation system. The Studio is fully equipped, all the attention to detail: soft velour chairs-the recliner allow you to experience the unprecedented comfortable during eyelash; truck masters custom(handmade); 2 are equipped for provistos and makeup artists; a massage Cabinet; room for staff. The Studio is fully stocked with equipment, furniture and appliances. For sale due to departure to the United States. All you have to do is recruit! The Studio is designed for 5 lash-makers, 2 brow/makeup artist, 1 or 2 massage. A place with high traffic.

Financial ratios

100% share of business
Business price
3 500 000
Monthly net profit
not indicated
Monthly average turnover
not indicated
Monthly average expenses
not indicated


Quantity of employees
Premise space
75, 5
Rental cost
160 000
Additional information about premises

the room is on the ground floor, there is a small window on the ceiling.

Additional information

Business age
3 months
Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 39136
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: 100% share of business

Business price: 3 500 000

Monthly profit: Not indicated

Monthly average turnover: Not indicated

Monthly average expenses: Not indicated

645 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Gandyilyan Ruzanna Karenovna

Russia, Moscow City, Moscow
Fashion and beauty, Services