Ready restaurant business

Business description

Ready business — a restaurant. The total area of 313 sqm in a modern newly built single storey detached building at the entrance to a cottage village of business class "Angelovo-rezidents". Family restaurant "ANGELOVO" is a harmonious blend of design thinking and the European tradition, where the interior offers exceptional comfort and refined decoration. The restaurant has three rooms, completely different from each other, but are similar in their design motifs, harmoniously combining classics and modernity. The interior of the restaurant halls made in a classic style that helps to adapt it to any theme of the evening. The color scheme of the interior is designed in a harmonious combination of cream and white shades, allowing guests to dive from the first minute of the celebration in classic luxury. The room fairly spacious and bright, numerous Windows and high ceilings. Soft daylight coming through the Windows and reflecting off the Golden walls, allows you to get pleasure from the openness and airiness of the surrounding space. Evening room changing shape, filled with deep rich tones, giving the place a special secular atmosphere. Furniture Banquet halls designed in classical style with elements of understated luxury that underlines the status of any event and the dignitaries. The restaurant has a completely new high-tech equipment: 2 Italian wood-fired oven- (alpha pizza), 4 table-fridge (Italy), proconvertin (Italy), two electro-furnace — 8 stove burners, tandoor, grill 50 skewers at a time, and modern engineering communications: air-conditioned 9 pieces, professional hood inflow-outflow (the cost of 1, 6 million rubles), video surveillance 11 cameras, remote-protection. El. powerful. 100 kW... Parking for 28 cars. Infrastructure: Residential area Mitino and five cottage settlements with a total population of 230 - 250 thousand people. Details of turnover and profitability on the phone.

Financial ratios

100% share of business
Business price
44 000 000
Monthly net profit
800 000
Monthly average turnover
2 500 000
Monthly average expenses
not indicated


Premise space
313 sq. m.
Rental cost
Its premises
Additional information about premises

The location in the property

Means of production

New modern Italian equipment

Intangible assets

A growing customer base, the population Mitin of about 200 tons, people, competitive environment 4-5 restaurants, the population of the next cottage settlements (5 settlements) 35 t man-there is no competition. Counterparts: the contract with the Registrar, the flyers are issued when the couple come to apply also contracts with agencies of funeral services. Popular site, Instagram paid marketing and advertising company until October 2018, the first places in the search results on request restaurants Mitino.

Additional information

Business age
1 year
Entity type

The limited liability company

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 39141
Created on: 27.07.2018

Sale: 100% share of business

Business price: 44 000 000

Monthly profit: 800 000

Monthly average turnover: 2 500 000

Monthly average expenses: Not indicated

499 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Russia, Moscow Oblast, Moscow
Food services