The network of portals for booking hotels

Business description

Sold a 50% equity stake in the business. The project is a network of portals for hotel booking worldwide with support for 13 languages. Funds are required for development. Half the money from the sale credited to the operating account of the company, the second half will be distributed among current beneficiaries.
A fully working project. Individual development source code, the exclusive design of each section of the site. The website is adapted to all the types and formats of devices (computers, tablets, phones). Complied with all technical regulations, the testing was carried out.
The project is developed by thirteen at language directions. Each «language» has its own independent and Autonomous domain name for the country of the carrier. The management of all sites is centralized.
Selected 866 cities for point work. In all languages each of the «cities» has its own subdomain. City not included in this list, working as sections of the main directions. As well as the main directions of the «city» have centralized management, but also develop independently and autonomously. In other words, at the moment actively 11258 self-employed sites.
The main bet is placed on the West: America, Central Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia. Along with this there is a huge potential for development. Perhaps scaling the business both vertical and horizontal.
The main way of promotion – promotion in search engines. Traffic search, natural, organic, without buying advertising traffic. Apply white hat methods of SEO. And work with contextual advertising and targeted advertising in social networks.
On all sections of the site there is a continuous publication of a unique, thematic content is a fundamental component of search engine promotion. Monthly not less than 200 000 articles. The site is in the news with Google News. All materials including text and photo materials, descriptions and pictures of hotels are subject to machine-unique (kontekt for search engines is unique), if necessary.
In conjunction with the promotion in search engines is promotion in social networks. At the moment the main work is done with communities in Facebook. Following the development of Instagram, vk, Twitter.
There is material-technical base for publishing on the website a large number of unique hotel reviews. At the moment we are working on this module.
We use partnerships with the leading hotel booking systems, through which the booking process is fully automated, all bookings take place online and confirmed within one minute. The profit comes at the expense of Agency fees in the amount of from 7 to 12, 5% of the total reservation cost.
Currently, in our database more than 1 500 000 hotels and hostels worldwide. There is a possibility to expand this number by expanding partnerships with the world's biggest brands for booking hotels.
We focus on the automation of processes. One of the indisputable advantages of this type of business is the small staff. At the moment established a project team is 4 people. Plans to increase state for future tasks.
It has a partnership with booking air and railway tickets, systems, purchasing insurance, tours and excursions. There is the possibility of rapid deployment of services to the project.
The project has its own unique source code, has a non-standard configuration of server hardware to optimize the operation with high loads and prevent hacker attacks.
The office is located in St. Petersburg, part of their server hardware is also in SPb. The leased equipment is in locations that are close to being promoted. The project team remains and continues to work on the project.
The project cost is estimated at 60 million rubles. For a share of 50% (30 million). 50% remains in the accounts of the company for business development, 50% take today's business owners. Sale of shares issued by a notary.

Financial ratios

of business share (50 %)
Price of business share
60 000 000
Monthly net profit
not indicated
Monthly average turnover
not indicated
Monthly average expenses
not indicated


Additional information

Business age
Entity type
Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 58466
Created on: 30.03.2020

Sale: of business share

Share amount: 50 %

Business price: 60 000 000

Monthly profit: Not indicated

Monthly average turnover: Not indicated

Monthly average expenses: Not indicated


965 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

I Mikhail

International project
Informational technologies