I love my city

About franchise

Description of the franchise Board game "I love my city"
Create a game of Monopoly in your city, and you will be able to earn $ 80 000 in the sale of Board games!
Creating, printing and logistics undertake, and you need to choose the circulation and implement point-of-sale.

What is the point of sales of the game?
We have identified such companies:
• Half cafe
• Tobacco and souvenir shops
• Photography studios
• Gift shops
• Shops selling Board games
• Islands accessories in the Mall

We invite you to become our partner in the franchise system. The essence of the partnership that we undertake the process of working out the mechanics of the game in your city, the creation of turnkey design using landmarks and a complete production cycle from printing to delivery, and you just have to take orders and earn with us.
The BUSINESS MODEL of the GAME "I love my city"
For June the year 2020 we would have achieved 95 thousand rubles of net profit on the sale of this game and we started actively to look for partners in other cities to create similar games. You can order print runs of 100, 200 or 500 pieces, and sold in the city at a premium of 1 000 — 1 300 rubles
Thus, having sold 70 games, they can earn a minimum of 70 000 rubles
The average sales 70 — 100 games per month.

Initial investments: purchase of 100 PCs - 90000₽
lump sum payment: 40000 ₽
Payback period: 1 — 2 months
Monthly turnover: 160 000 rubles
Royalty: none
How to work with all partners.
The first thing we start — filling in the questionnaire. What is it?
Together we select and coordinate all the important objects that are represented in the game. After passing the questionnaire in the work included our design Department.
The next stage is a full rendering of the game as soon as the design Department finishes its work, we submit the materials to the copywriter and he once again checks the entire game for grammar errors.
Further work is entered by our printing house. It prints copies.
We send you the copies.

The basic idea of the game is the desire to get people( particularly young people) from the virtual world of social networking. Because now 90% of the time we spend there, communicate, work. Live chat is becoming a very valuable and very rare. Live chat, to communicate with one another and with the whole company, it becomes very difficult, because every time you need to look for a reason.
We have the basis for the Board games "Monopoly" and reworked it under favorite city.
The game features the streets, important town facilities and social facilities. When we picked them in the first place focused on the target audience: she knows these organizations, these brands. Agree, it would be boring if we included in the game some unknown plant. Or a very unpopular cafe... So the choice was made in favor of the trend of institutions that are models in the field of marketing. For each company are sick, monitor her life. Due to this, we have achieved the maximum immersion of the participants in the game.
An important problem we encountered is the production of the game in small batches. Most often, games are printed in thousands of copies. And try to make a quality box, box, cards in small print runs (100-200-300 pieces) was very difficult. It's either very expensive or the quality is terrible. We worked very long in order to strike a balance, and we have, I think, turned out very well. And the larger our circulation, the denser becomes the box and the whole set will be better. Maybe we'll even add separate cases in a box that they all were Packed. Ultimately, implementation in the field of printing, I think we've mastered at the qualitative level, especially for such small runs.
Full development of the project we spent 3 months. Signal making party we had a photo shoot and test the game. Immediately revealed minor flaws in the game, we kind of fixed the mechanics. After a few days we had a circulation in the hands and from 1 June we started selling.
The business model has completely justified itself, and we began to scale franchising. Welcome to the team.

Financial ratios

The amount of investments
Lump sum
40 000
Payback, month.
1 month.

Additional information

Franchise year of establishment
Franchise year of startup
Franchise companies
Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Franchise No. 60206
Created on: 16.07.2020

The category of franchise:
Franchise in entertainment

The amount of investments: 100 000

Lump sum: 40 000

Payback, month.: 1 month.

Franchise year of establishment: 2020

Franchise year of startup: 2020

Franchise companies One

Website: Iloveklp.ru

1065 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Kolesnikov Aleksandr Viktorovich