Offer investments in alternative energy

Looking for high-tech projects for investment. Consider projects from all over the CIS.
Of interest, among other things, projects in the areas of:
alternative energy,
the development of new (construction and other) materials (including recycling),
energy efficiency, and other similar areas.

Assist (in addition to the direct investments by issuing money) in all related areas, particularly in registration of rights to development, industrial samples, useful models. Comply with security know-how.

Create conditions for development, depending on the needs of a specific project. Contribute to project output for foreign (EU, USA, Asia) markets.

The projects at stages ranging from finished project and beyond (with ideas at the idea stage don't work). The presence of a patent on the formulation and/or education of the author in the relevant field improves the chance for further interaction.

The presence of a business justification and/or business plan (in addition to the description of the technical part of the project) will be an advantage.

International projects
10 000 000
Know how, Power industry
Profitability: Not indicated
Reviews 845
Responses 0
Translated by "Yandex.Translator"

No. 58872

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