Internet project Drim ka

Project description

Drimka is a social network in which registered user will be able to draw their dream. Every day people regardless of their social status dreams. Someone dreams about a good life or a good job, someone that would find love, someone that there was no war, somebody wants to travel or just dream about some tangibles. We offer all your desires and dreams wrapped up in a picture.

Main features:1.The main function of the project is an opportunity to draw in the graphic editor of your dream or desire directly on your personal profile page. Then the user will be able to share my "creation" with others. A graphical editor will have a variety of features and components for drawing, what would the drawing process was enjoyable.

2.The collective dream. The ability to draw a dream group, ie the user when creating the picture to put the function to finish the dream (it will be possible to allow access only to friends or to all users).Thus, no other user will be able to complement dream (to finish) .

3. The users create contests for the best picture dreams.Criteria and compensation of tenders, the user sets themselves.

4.The button "fulfill the dream". By clicking this button You will be able to make the dream a reality the owner of the picture .( When the button is clicked, the user is the one who drew the picture will receive a message that your dream want to do with the data the one who pressed the button).(This condition is being developed now, but the opportunity for fulfillment of dreams.)

5.Rating system, the local currency, the system rewards the most active users.

Here the main functionality of the project. There are different ideas of approach to the project theme.

What does it do?

First drawing develops thinking and expands the creative potential .

The second is the so-called art therapy where you can Express your thoughts and feelings. And the fact that the user will draw his dream the effect will be amplified.

I believe that my project can unite people and make their lives a little more bright colors.

Monetization of the Internet project Drim ka.The project will be local currency and point system .1.Vnutenny currency "DD" (relatively speaking Drim) which will be available to all registered users and it will be displayed in a separate menu profile .

What you can buy for it: a) the System status of users for each status will be assigned its color( i.e. when the purchase status icon and the avatar will abhivadana the chosen color when purchasing), each color has a special preimushestva ( one color will have the opportunity to raise their profile in search for the positions above, or the ability to acquire one drawing tool free in the store for a certain amount of time (see below), druogo colors such as advanced set of drawing tools, etc., let the Golden color will include all privileges, but the cost will be much higher. ) The price of each status will depend on the set of privileges and functions .

b) the Internal store.It can be purchased :- drawing tools ( pencils, markers, brushes, fills, styles, etc.) - to buy paintings drawn by other users. The user will be able to draw a picture to put up for sale. BUT not every user will be able to sell, and a user with a certain status, which can be purchased in the store.- You will also be able to give the purchased product to others .

C) Now for competitions. Each registered user will be allowed to create a limited number of competitions per month. But if he wants more, you can purchase for the domestic currency.

2. Well, of course advertising, without it there is no place .

3.The point system. The points system will need to encourage the user to visit a resource as often as possible. Points will be awarded for activity and action. Points can be purchased also certain privileges .

It seems to me that such methods of monetization will be in demand because this is not no where and a set of premium features will be interesting .

I think that the project can reach an audience of any age. The project wants to orientirovat not only to Russia but to other countries.I believe you can squeeze and take its place among popular social, music, blogs, znakomstva there, but drawing does not).You know how to and will look the project in five years. There are some interesting ideas for adding new services and functions with the development of the project .

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 33262
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Moscow oblast, Moscow

Project price: 50 000 000

Investments volume: 30 000 000

Stage: Idea

1336 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Pivarshev Aleksey Sergeevich

Russia, Moscow oblast, Moscow
Informational technologies