Solar Biovegetariya

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Project description

Looking for an investor in the sphere of food production, and construction of "turnkey" solar Biovegetariya.

The cost per square meter SB 10 times lower than the Western professional greenhouses, which allows him not only to each ecofarmer, but also vacationers.

Design features of Solar Biovegetariya (SB).

The popular expression, "everything of genius is simple" fits this structure perfectly. Externally, the structure looks like the following.

v Rectangular greenhouse with a flat roof is strictly from West to East preferably in the southern slope 15 -20 degrees.

v Roof and three walls vegetariya (side and South end) is covered with a translucent material. Ideally, this polycarbonate.

v the Northern wall must be thorough. For maximum effect, the Northern wall is painted in white or covered with mirror foil. According to the authors, North side vegetariya needs to join the house, however, if you want, vegetari you can build separately.

v the Beds inside the greenhouse are arranged in terraces, descending from North to South. Between the ridges are settling passages. For reliability, strengthen the garden borders of brick, boards or galvanized metal.

v In the traditional "winter" greenhouses to create the optimal internal temperature used the well-known technical heating system. In vegetaria in the role of the heater are the Sun and the soil.

v If SB built turnkey construction company, it will cost 7, 5-8, 5 million RUB Together with the cost of land and communications, you agree to assume costs in the amount of RUB 10 million For agribusiness is a small investment as 1 combine today can cost anywhere from 15 to 25 million rubles. But the combine works 2-3 months out of the year, and SAT all year, constantly giving products and generating profits.

v SB during the year will produce at least 50 tonnes of vegetables, the average price – 75 roubles for a total sum of 3 750 000 RUB. in addition of SB produces 250 tonnes of vermicompost, and it is still 2 500 000 rubles, and another 1, 5 million will bring you seedlings, and also retail markup on merchandise as part of the goods sold on-site at retail prices. Thus, SB should bring not less than 7, 5 million rubles. per year in revenue, of which not less than 60% is pure profit. That is, the investment in SB pay for itself in 2 years. However, even if we take the payback period of 3 years, this business is incomparable with traditional projects in agriculture.

One of the eternal problems that will never lose relevance — the production of food necessary for the existence of mankind.

Food security — a situation in which all people at every time have physical and economic access to sufficient in quantitative terms, safe food to lead active and healthy lives.

I would also like to consider the problems associated with the actual topic about organic foods. The relevance of this problem increases due to the interest of society to questions of a healthy lifestyle. As well as environmental protection and the desire to provide the population with qualitative, environmentally friendly food. To do this, we need to find out what are organic foods. Because the majority of the population, such as our country never even heard of the development of the food service industry.

In recent years, Russia has experienced a growing interest in ECO, ORGANIC and BIO products. Insufficiently studied the possibility of production and sale of such products. Prospectively whether the cultivation of such products in Russia? Will the crisis on the development of this sector of the market? And what is the state policy in the field of organic agriculture in Russia today? Insufficiently studied the possibility of production and sale of such products.

The solution to these problems is solar biovegetariya.

The efficiency of solar vegetarian very high. These greenhouses allow us not only to harvest several times more than in conventional greenhouses, but also to achieve it is maturing a month earlier. you can use it year-round, growing both traditional and exotic culture. A device of this greenhouse requires minimal runs out of available materials. Built on a plot of a greenhouse (vegetari), then solar power will provide you gardening products throughout the year.

Solar Biovegetariya.

The output of environmentally friendly products. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. the Cultivation of plants of any kind and nature. The establishment of eco farming. Siting, construction of SB occurs in the area from 10 acres to 1 hectare in one room. The construction of the building with a living area, warehouse, garage, workshop, cellar. Vegetari adapts to the southern part of the house, to get the full daylight sun. Equipped with automatic lighting in the winter and the maintenance of a certain temperature, the installation and connection of the "Smart SAT", i.e. complete control of the tablet, showing all indicators (temperature, lighting, watering, etc.), managing vegetarian in the distance.

The main goal of SB.

The provision of jobs, business turnkey, with the further possibility of realization of himself in any emotional sphere (weaving, pottery, farming, processing, social development, etc.). The separation of man from the constant attachment in search of money for food, training, the creation of Autonomous villages plan with a full range of services — medical, education, employment, creative realization of human rights, etc.

The idea of creation.

Full piece of import products in daily consumption (vegetables, fruits, meat, etc.), i.e. forming around the city on several acres of SB and further, under the project, the creation of a network of shops on the eco-based, cafes, eateries, Lunches in schools and institutes, a development project of SB in schools and kindergartens, hospital, det. homes, etc.

Globally solar biovegetariya is a solution to the food security of Russia!

The amount of investment 10 000 000.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 33356
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Moscow oblast, Moscow

Project price: 10 000 000

Investments volume: 15 000 000

Stage: Idea

3455 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Okhotin Bogdan Borisovich

Russia, Moscow oblast, Moscow
Food industry