Football School in Moscow

Project description

The project — private football school

Guaranteed to attract customers with the Best in Russia marketing agencies

Somewhat unique project, calculated on children from quite wealthy families, the essence of which is to not suppress the child's personality, but to develop it! The whole emphasis is on the development of individual personality. Here the coach can not afford to offend the player. Even the training missions give players not commanding tone, and explain what purpose they serve and what effect they give.

The most important areas of player development is a technique, insight, personality, speed. These areas prefer.

In addition, children have the opportunity to develop imagination that is useful in the field.

Ideal conditions for training: field is heated, equipping, medical support. Little kids first time playing more comfortable for them a small ball (one and a half times less than usual).

The price for a monthly subscription of 30 000 rubles

Classes will take place in accordance with the recommendations of the leading doctors 2 times a week for 3 hours training

In the same field will train a total of 150 people is 25 people in 6 groups

The idea is to create a brand under which in the future (4-5 months) can be used to create other projects.

Experience in business

If interested in the project — call me:)

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 33367
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Moscow oblast, Moscow

Project price: 2 500 000

Investments volume: 2 500 000

Stage: Business for sale

1821 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Sharkov Kirill Aleksandrovich

Russia, Moscow oblast, Moscow