The establishment of goat dairy farm

Project description

Hello. Additional costs in terms of development too high. Spouse is organized and developed a farm owner only 500 heads in the Moscow region. Our proposal is the following.

Looking for a partner-investor to build a goat dairy farm. Features: open farm land, pastures, arrangements for food, transport required for the commencement of activities, the contract for the sale of products — porechsky cannery, experience in agricultural production on the farm and in the industry, apply for the grant. Distance from Moscow-180 km. In the interest will provide production schedule and business project.

Financial plan

Let us turn to the calculation of the main indicators of economic efficiency of the economy.

The fixed costs of the organization are presented in the following table:



Amount per month

Amount year


Feed consumption

170 000

2 040 000


ZAR. fee

65 000

780 000


Fear. Contributions (30%) from z. Board

19 500

234 000



10 000

120 000


Transport costs

15 000

180 000


Other expenses

35 000

420 000


Land rent


314 500

3 774 000

Total fixed costs of the enterprise per month will be 314 500 rubles.

The main farming expenses are expenses for acquisition of food – 55% of the total costs per year. Next come the expenses on payment of wages to employees – 22% of the total cost.

Calculation of gross and net profit are presented in table – forecast of revenues and expenditures of the farm:

No. performance Amount for the current year (RUR)

1 Revenue 7 560 000

2 the Cost of 3 774 000

2.1 Mater. Costs (feed) 2 040 000

2.2 remuneration 780 000

2.3 Insurance contributions 234 000

2.4 Transport costs 180 000

2.5 Utility costs 120 000

2.6 other costs 420 000

2.7 land lease

3 gross income (income before tax)

4 Tax payments (UAT 6% Dr)

5 Net profit

Net profit at the end of the annual sales will amount to rubles. The profitability of the farm is %. In these figures the project will pay for itself in months.

Our organization will produce tax revenues to different levels of budget of the Yaroslavl region until the per year.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 33896
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Yaroslavl oblast, Rostov

Project price: 1 500 000

Investments volume: 1 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

1985 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Marakova Galina Mikhaylovna

Russia, Yaroslavl oblast, Rostov