A tourist-recreation zone "the Center of Crafts"

Project description

The relevance of the project. Currently, tourism is one of the most dynamically developing and profitable industries of the world economy. Russia has enormous tourism potential (according to the UNWTO, the country ranks 5th in the world in the number of natural objects and 9th — cultural). However, the analysis of the current state of the tourism industry in Russia shows the predominance of outbound tourism and the lack of development of inbound and domestic tourism as the qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The resource base of inbound and domestic tourism are involved in 10-15 %. Today, the share of the tourism industry is around 3% of GDP, while could bring to 5-6% of gross domestic product. Condition for the development of the tourism industry is the creation of a competitive tourism product based on environmental, cultural, educational, health tours, travel, cruises, etc. and provide quality infrastructure.

The uniqueness of the project due to the location of tourist-recreational zone "the Center of crafts" on the territory Ondraskova microregions, where in a relatively small area focused therapeutic mineral springs, paleontological and archaeological monuments of world importance, traditional folk arts and crafts.

The mission of the project is to use a unique historical-cultural and natural-ecological potential of the Ulyanovsk region as a resource for economic, social and cultural development of Russian society.

The aim of the project – creation in the Ulyanovsk area of the Ulyanovsk region tourist and recreational zone, based on the use of natural, historical and cultural potential of the region in the tourism industry, and includes specialized clusters: rural tourism, cognitive tourism (archeology and paleontology), health tourism, ethnographic tourism, ecotourism, river tourism.

Tasks by the solution of which is the implementation of the project:

  • the creation of a special territory, economically favorable for the revival, support and development of crafts and artisans, development of souvenir production;
  • the creation of a complex archaeological and paleontological museums using modern technologies demonstration of natural, historical and cultural heritage of the Ulyanovsk Volga region;
  • the creation of sanatorium-resort complex in the balneological resources of the territory (mineral water, blue clay, mild climate, excellent environment);
  • the creation of tourism accommodation, including permanent venues for youth and families (guest houses, campsites).

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34015
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Ulyanovsk oblast, Ulyanovsk

Project price: 650 000 000

Investments volume: 2 000 000 000

Stage: Development of existing business

1968 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Skryigin Sergey Sergeevich

Russia, Ulyanovsk oblast, Ulyanovsk