SOFC is a new generation of electricity

Project description

The essence of the investment– the Creation of a Micro Planar solid oxide Fuel cell (SOFC-MP) prednaznachennogo individual stand-alone electricity generation.

The current development is ahead of their technical characteristics, all the existing world counterparts.

Perspective the world marketof this development — more than 1 trillion $ USA annually

The patent of the Russian Federation–

International patent

A new source of electricity generationSOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel cell) is the direct conversion of chemical energy of fuel into electricity.

Fuels– all hydrocarbons – coal, oil, natural gas, but more economical as biogas, oil and gas waste, technical products of human activities, some industrial waste, agricultural waste, and others.

Electrical efficiency ofpower plants with SOFC — 70%, with the possibility of bringing up to 95%.

The value– generating capacity of 1 kW power plant on SOFC will be up to $ 500 USA.

Key features designed MP over other SOFC SOFC in the world

1.SVARKOMPLEKT: when element size – width 20 mm, length 50 mm, height 10 mm (size of a matchbox) power will be 100 watts.

2.POWER: when the battery size of the SOFC elements 1 DM3 (a cube 10 cm3), the capacity will reach 20 kW, capacity 1m3 can reach 20 MW.

3.EFFICIENCY: cost of fuel in the SOFC to generate 1 kW/h is 3 times lower than from conventional power plants and diesel generators, due to the higher efficiency.

4. While minimizing the size, can serve as an external charger for mobile phone, etc., etc.

5. In order to maximize the size, can serve as individual stand-alone power generators for industrial enterprises MW of capacity.

6.High environmental friendliness and quiet operation.

7.The period of operation of SOFC – more than 10 years!

The advantages of Generators for SOFC

1)Full autonomy and individuality in power generation – generators may be located directly at the point of electricity consumption: the building, room, apartment, etc. Losses in transmission are almost there.

2)electricity Generation can performed not only from stationary power plants, and from mobile equipment – railway locomotives, marine vessels, cars, as the Parking mode, they can generate electricity and transmit it into a common grid.

3)Generators for SOFC is energy efficiency, energy conservation, energy security, energonositeli any object in any territory!


1.Design, creation, fabrication of the Planar Micro solid oxide Fuel cells (MT SOFC) for stationary and mobile power plants.

2.Development, creation, production of power units in MP SOFC stationary and mobile applications.

Additional information

Market analytics

The prospect of the market — over 1 trillion dollars USA annually. The cost of electricity is 3 times lower than traditional generators. Only in Australia in the next 20 years it is planned to install in new buildings more than 50,000 "home power plants". BlueGen generates electricity twice as efficiently (60%) than plants on brown coal (25%), while providing a warm (200 litres of hot water per day). BlueGen has 75% less carbon dioxide than thermal power plants. Each installation reduces emissions by 18 tonnes per year. BlueGen uses 95% less water than coal plants to generate the same amount of electricity. In the development of the BlueGEN technology in the development of Ceramic fuel cells has invested more than 230 million euros. Development conducted in Australia. In 2006 in Europe (Heinsberg near Aachen, Germany), the company has built manufacturing for mass production of "home power plants". Microsoft started a project whose objective is the adaptation of a SOFC for mounting inside mounting racks in computer rooms, Data Processing Centers (DPC). The company's experts rightly believe that this kind of generating capacity, ultimately revolutionaire industry data centers and the energy industry as a whole! Microsoft: fuel cells will change the rules of the game. The creation of a modular data center, which will produce its own energy and will be able to function completely independently of the power grid for General use. Examples of genuinely large-scale projects to deploy fuel cells in data centers include data center Apple in the U.S. state of North Carolina and server farm eBay that is located in Utah. Supplier of fuel cells in both cases was a California company Bloom Energy. Apple has deployed fuel cells Bloom Box Energy Server from Bloom Energy, fueled by natural gas, to a large extent, to provide power to its data center in maiden The e-Commerce giant eBay, in turn, launched a similar generating capacity to 100 percent meet the energy needs of its data center in salt lake city, where the Central electricity grid acts as a backup power supply Bloom Energy will build a network of power plants, TOTAL Germany industrial production power plants (hot zone 1, 7 kW) SOFC beginning, the company Staxera GmbH, which is now (acquired) Sunfire GmbH. LG and Rolls Royce have agreed to work together in creating the SOFC and power plants based on them

The uniqueness of the project

Real development, its further modification, and energy equipment based on it will allow you to generate clean and safe electricity. Developed Modified Planar solid oxide Fuel cell – SOFC-MP, a candidate of technical Sciences by Lipilina, which by its characteristics ahead of all the existing world counterparts! SOFC – solid oxide fuel cell designed to generate electricity, with the possibility of generating thermal energy. The patent of the Russian Federation – international patent Generators for SOFC will Create a true distributed power system because the generators can be located directly at the point of electricity consumption: the building, room, apartment, etc. Losses in transmission are almost there. This is a direct alternative to existing power plants, nuclear power plants, GRES, TETS, on the financial savings of any state. For example the installation capacity of 1 kW nuclear power plant to 5500 $ USA and 1 kW power plant on SOFC will be up to $ 500 USA. Electricity generation may be performed not only from stationary power plants, and from mobile equipment – railway locomotives, marine vessels, cars, as the Parking mode, they can generate electricity and transmit it into a common grid. Improving the environment and increasing the economy of any state, due to the use of cheap and completely environmentally-friendly electricity generation. The opportunity to create a company that will be engaged in generation of electricity which allows to increase the energy efficiency, energy conservation, energy security, energonositeli any state! It is possible to sell themselves as Fuel cells in the world market and the power plant on SOFC, or to build a power plant on SOFC and to sell the electricity they produced. SOFC and SOFC Plants on – can become a strategically important product to surpass oil, gas, atom largest! Potential markets – any geographical and climatic zones of the globe, all countries of the world. If every apartment and a dacha in Russia, and that more than 100 million units to equip from 1 kW thermal energy for SOFC, distributed generation will give a capacity of over 100 GW, which is about 100 units or CHP

Monetization sources

The primary distribution channels of power Plants with SOFC MOE, mod – portable plants with a capacity up to 5 kW. Fixed installations of any capacity. GAZPROM – cathodic protection of pipelines, stationary small power plants for remote areas – replacement of generators, large power generating stations, Plants for recycling of flaring of associated gas. CELL TOWER – main generators data centers – Data Centers in Russia, 34 of the data center in 2014 Greenhouse agriculture – a significant reduction in price of products (70% share of electricity in costs), the possibility of growing in the far North. Agriculture – reduction of production costs, the possibility of a return to the countryside of people from the cities. Major Shopping Centres, IKEA, AUCHAN, METRO, LENTA, etc. Private sector households – replacement of diesel generators and small boiler stations.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34090
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Sverdlovsk oblast, Ekaterinburg

Project price: 600 000 000

Investments volume: 600 000 000

Stage: Project is at development stage

Website: http://облачныйатлас.рф/

3135 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Serebrennikov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Russia, Sverdlovsk oblast, Ekaterinburg
Power industry