The production of vegetable oil a highly effective way

Project description

In technology, existing world capacity for the production of vegetable oils in tonnage performed the lion's share of the production of oils with petrol solvents ( extraction method ). The efficiency of the process due to the high extraction of oil from oilseeds. But the oil obtained in this way loses all its useful properties and is cheaper than the oil obtained by "cold-pressed". The proposed technology is as effective as an extraction method, but eliminates the use of the chemical. solvents. RF patent №2568999. A business presentation, you will receive a serious investor. Our team takes very seriously the protection of know-how, therefore these aspects of increase of efficiency of already set out, will only be available to serious investors

Additional information

The uniqueness of the project

This project stands out from the rest with its global character. For non-experts in this field give the following information. Spend available analogy. We get information on TV for a long time ( vegetable oil is also consumed long ago ). earlier, the TVs were cathode ray tubes. According to the quality and comfort of getting. Then came LCD screens and the quality and comfort are much higher. So now the world production of vegetable oils ( and industry production equipment and spare parts ) is, so to speak, on the stage "cathode ray tube". That is a dangerous production, associated with petrol solvents. Hence the high cost. The project allows you to remove the bulky and hazardous industries worldwide.

Monetization sources

In my opinion, there are three real opportunities to monetize the project: 1. To create a production of this technology and the result low cost to extinguish the competitors in this market, or attempts to create an analogy ( patent very seriously thought out ). 2. Creating one as a demonstration to engage in the production of technological equipment and spare parts.Sell technological systems. Here market about 5, 0 billion dollars a year in the world. 3. More favorable to both the two above-proposed ways. This means re-take the industry into their own hands.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34099
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Volgograd Oblast, Mikhaylovka

Project price: 400 000 000

Investments volume: 400 000 000

Stage: Project is at development stage

3284 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Dunaev Victor

Russia, Volgograd Oblast, Mikhaylovka
Food industry, Agriculture, Research, Industry