Private primary school franchise

Project description

The establishment in the city of Cherkessk private elementary school full day with the education of children from 7 to 12 years for the franchise "Lancman school" program, children's development Montessori educational system V. I. Zhokhova and patented techniques of the owners of the franchise. Unique benefits of the school: the education system no homework; 2 foreign language; individual approach to every student (everyone learns at their own pace); additional leisure activities (clubs, sports and entertainment programs, tours, outreach activities). The training program will improve student performance by 1-2 points per 1 academic year, and the first results are visible already after 2 months. Children get sick less often two or three times.

Investments are necessary for the lump-sum payment partner-the franchisor, maintenance, infrastructure development and Playground equipment for the school (equipment, furniture, learning materials), organization of security and video surveillance, staff training and carrying out marketing and advertising company.

Currently services private primary schools demand for such reasons as:

— dissatisfaction with the state system of education;

— a small number of students in the class gives the opportunity for individual approach to teaching each child and enhances the quality of received knowledge;

— the presence of author's programs of development and education;

— the possibility of additional child development (sections, clubs, sports and developmental activities);

— high level of comfort and security;

— low incidence.

Developed since 2002, the business model. The average check from 20,000 RUB To open a school need 3 months. The period to self — sufficiency-1st quarter since the beginning of investment.

Term loan/investment agreement — 2 to 3 years.

Company website

Market analytics

Total forecasted demand until 2025 for new places in schools of the Republic is 11 950 seats, including for the transfer of students from buildings that have a high degree of wear – 7 757 seats. Despite completing the construction of 5 educational institutions at 3, 5 thousand places, in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic will be a continuing need in the creation 2016 – 2020 5 736 new places, and 2021 — 2025 will be a need create 2 021 new places in schools.

The uniqueness of the project

The uniqueness of the project lies in the principles of organization of the educational process and of communication with children based on the early development of children Montessori system zhokhov, the patented methods of the franchisor. This will be the first school in the city, using the approach to organizing the process of development and learning, radically different from the educational process in public and other private schools in the city.

Monetization sources

The main income of the school will consist of the initial payment, payable simultaneously upon admission to the school, and monthly tuition fees. In future the generation of income through the provision of additional services (delivery of the child to school/home, full Board, services of the day, etc.).

Sales strategy and marketing

Measures to attract and retain customers to promote services of the school will be developed by the specialists of the franchisor after signing and payment of franchise agreement on the basis of results of studying of the market of educational services in our city. As tools you will use the information on the website of the franchisor, advertising in social networks and the Internet, local advertising (banners, flyers, etc.)

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34177
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Cherkessk

Project price: 2 695 500

Investments volume: 2 625 500

Stage: Business for sale


1024 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Magometova Inna Sergeevna

Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Cherkessk
Education, Projects for children, Services