Technology energy-efficient construction of "single wall"

Project description

Creating technology for energy efficient construction in one wall, which reduces the stages of construction, costs of construction material and labor costs, reduce human factor influence on construction, shortens the construction period.

The establishment of a heater within the ceramic unit, improves insulation, strength, vapour-barrier characteristics of the ceramic block allows you to build a house in one hybrid with insulation ceramic block, without the use of additional insulation and external finish

Additional information

To date 5 plants for the production of ceramic blocks confirmed the desire to use our technology on your production

Created a host of equipment for manufacturers of ceramic blocks for the automatic filling up a heater in the ceramic block

3 Federal grid distribution construction company confirmed the desire to sell hybrid ceramic block produced by our technology

352 construction companies developers according to the survey in the cities of Ivanovo, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Crimea is ready to use hybrid ceramic block manufactured on our technology

Market analytics

To date, the search for solutions for the insulation of the ceramic block, they are not effective, see Presentationally one wall reduces the cost of construction by more than 40% due to the reduction in the cost of materials and construction, reducing labor costs and time in stroitelstvennoy energy efficient: 30 % decrease of operating costs of the building

The uniqueness of the project

The uniqueness of this development is confirmed by the Patent for the invention № 25 32511, is not unique

Monetization sources

sale uteplitelnogo oborudovanietorg licenses производствоВ2В Producitivty for the production of ceramic kirpichenok the apartment dommousescroll cottage pelkovenstrasse by the Federal housing programmemaster manufacturers of construction материаловВ2С Predicate stroitelnitsi the areas of individual building

Sales strategy and marketing

GROWTH STRATEGY Sale of prefabricated factory production of ceramic blocks 217, 600, 000. in odprodaja licenses for the production of ceramic blocks with insulation RAOS + 400 000 000 RUB per year (80 licenses)Selling mini-plants for production of building material + 800 000 000 RUB per year (80 industries)

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34205
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Leningrad oblast, Saint Petersburg

Project price: 50 000 000

Investments volume: 42 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

1033 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Radchenko Lyubov Aleksandrovna

Russia, Leningrad oblast, Saint Petersburg
Know how, Construction