The development of a network alkomarketov

Project description

The development of a network alkomarketov from 10 to 30 within a year on the territory of Moscow and Moscow region on the developed and well established system. With suppliers and efficient logistics.Marketing. The used business processes. Training. Investment is required not at the same time and according to schedule (line of credit). Cooperation is possible in different variants. 1. Borrowed funds at reasonable interest rates. 2. Equity 50/50. 3. The various agreements. Deferred refund (credit vacation) for 6 months.

Additional information

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

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Project No. 34227
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Moscow Oblast

Project price: 100 000 000

Investments volume: 100 000 000

Stage: Project is at development stage

1140 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Pinegin Dmitriy Nikolaevich

Russia, Moscow Oblast