Meat production the Boer breed of goats, the production of embryos in Boer goat, followed by the creation of a farm

horn" the hotflushes…

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Project description

OOO "goathorn" the hotflushes to your attention the project of creation of a farm for breeding goats meat Boer breed. Company "Capricorn" founded by four specialists, two of which are doctors of agricultural Sciences, one candidate of agricultural Sciences, one candidate of technical Sciences.

In Stavropol is the only Russian Institute of sheep breeding and goat breeding, leading experts which are involved in the organization of the project. The company is a great base area of 8 HECTARES and closed, warm space of over 7,000 m2. In connection with the complexities of financial order, we propose, at first, to buy 1000 or more embryos as the basis for the organization of a farm. Existing space is more than enough for the organization of the initial stage of the project. In less than a year, we will be able to sell embryos of its own production and increase their own herd. We have already signed contracts with large farms are ready to purchase our proposed products to more than 5 billion roubles, and wishing to participate in the development of the proposed model meat, and eventually dairy goats breeding. We are looking for partners willing to invest in the project to start, 35-40 million roubles. The following is a scientific basis for this idea and technical-economic calculation of profitability of the project with the largest herd of 10,000 goats.

"Creation of breeding reproducer of the Boer goat for meat production at 10,000 Queens"

The organization of the project:

OOO "Capricorn"

A certificate of ownership.

Base nucleus –the territory-8 hectares leased pasture-36 hectares.

3000 hectares – pastures for rent in the village, "Catherine", the mountain "Strizhament", LLC "Strizhament-EKO"

Explanatory note

Explanatory note aims to logically associate a feasibility study of the project "the Boer breed of goats", "Capricorn", "Strizhament -EKO".

OOO "Strizhament-EKO" is situated at an altitude of more than 800m above sea level, retains the meadow steppe that suits best for pasture feeding goats for eight months of the year. Succulent perennial, reproduced herbs provide animals organic feed, which has a rich set of vitamins. The presence of the main gas pipeline allows to count on ambitious plans with its own energy system capable of providing considerable energy resources. A modular power plants will allow to solve the issues of locating houses in areas of pasture animals. The proximity of the railway gives the opportunity, if the volumes indicated in the feasibility study, have a variety of transport and logistical solutions. To date, all the documents OOO "Strizhament-EKO" issued on a sole owner, that simplifies the procedure for acquiring enterprise. Its data are suitable in all respects to the stated purpose.

OOO "Capricorn", despite the absence of previous active activity and has a statutory goal of creating and developing projects similar to those stated. Besides, on the territory of the village Catherine is a long-term lease of land with a total area of 6,000 hectares, which gives an opportunity to consider this area for your existing we have more high-tech plans.

1. Scientific substantiation of the ideas

Goat breeding is one of the traditional branches of animal husbandry. Over the past 10 years the number of goats in the world, grown for the production of meat increased from 314 to 404 million head, or 29%. World production of goat meat has increased to 5, 0 million tons, or 32, 5%. During the same period, the proportion of production of goat meat increased from 1, 6 to 1, 8% of global production of meat of all kinds. Thus, the production of goat meat is growing a little ahead of the world average meat production.

In Russia, the number of goats farmed for meat for the last 10 years remains at the same level and is about 1, 0 million heads. Average annual production of goat meat is about 20, 0 thousand tons. especially the production of goat meat in our country is that almost all the animal population is concentrated in the peasant (farmer) of K(f)and private households (LHN).

In connection with the spread of African swine fever on the territory of the country an acute problem is to replace the pig in K(f)Kh and LJN to other types of livestock. In connection with the social importance of pig production for these categories of farms it is not so simple. So in 2015, in the Stavropol region in these farms produced over 23 thousand tons of pork in live weight. Given the technology of pork production in LHN, go to a different kind of farm animals without significant changes in the structure of land, of the rising costs of meat production is a complex task.

Largely to solve this problem may be the development of meat goat breeding. It is necessary to develop the technology of breeding meat goats through the introduction of optimal methods of growing and using the best world gene pool.

Russia remains one of the few countries in the world where there is not a single meat breed goats. Today's best and most common meat breed of goats in the world is "Boer". The genetic potential of this breed are very high. Boer goats are characterized by high precocity, fertility, carcass yield and off-season cycle of sexual inclination. The uterus of the Boer breed have an average live weight of 70-75 kg, goats at 3, 5 months of age — 25 kg, slaughter yield of 50%. The average daily gain in live weight during the period of cultivation is 200-250 g. Under intensive fattening the average daily gain can reach 400 g

Boer goat meat is of high quality. It has a delicate taste of veal. Boer goats characterized palestijnse. They can produce offspring all year round and reach sexual maturity at the age of 5 months. Conventional breeding is obtaining 3 kozlany for 2 years.

During the vegetative period of the Boer goats are kept on pastures. Due to their calm disposition they are particularly suitable for sharing content in a pasture with other animals such as horses, cattle, and better sheep. Since different animal species grazing different grazing areas to better use. Goats graze in a special way, preferring leaves, shoots of shrubs, hedges and trees and thus protect the area from zakustarennye. Abroad this feature goats are widely used as an environmentally friendly and cheap way to clean the pastures and meadows of vegetation. In our country this problem is particularly acute in the Central regions of the European part of the country.

For the development of meat goat breeding in Russia the first step is to create a pedigree reproduction farms for the breeding of Boer goats. The use of purebred local goats can in a short time to significantly increase the meat productivity of the progeny. Calculations show that for the production of 20 thousand tons of goat meat must have crossbred and purebred breeding stock Boer goats in the amount of 100 thousand heads. Thus, for replacement of pork production in LHN necessary to conduct absorption crossbreeding of local goats Boer goats and increase the number of animals 4-5 times.

Due to the limited number of Boer goats it is necessary to organize the importation of purebred animals from abroad, or to buy ready-made embryos in the countries involved in reproduction Boer goat.

The aim of the project: "Creation of breeding reproducer of the Boer goat for meat production".

As a result of performing it is making a profit from lampredi. An additional source of profit is to create a gene pool Bank of cryopreserved semen of purebred Boer goats of the breed and its implementation in K(f)Kh and LJN.

Scientific novelty. The results of a patent search conducted through information portals and industry patent Fund of the Russian agricultural Academy showed that among registered Russian developments is not unique.

Innovativeness of the idea is that as a result of implementation of the project will be developed the technology (know-how) which have no analogues in the Russian Federation, the implementation of which will allow to create new highly effective livestock industry – meat goat breeding. The development of meat goat can be on economic and technological characteristics of alternative pig production in farm households and private farms of the population.

With the development of technology will be proved: the system of goat keeping; method of reproduction; a method of growing kids and of rearing; methods of feeding and watering; the method of storage of feed, calculating demand for feed; feed distribution and manure; the size of the premises, requirements for microclimate of premises.

2. Comercializamos results

The demand for the proposed development in the market is determined by the difficult situation with the spread of African swine fever on the territory of the Russian Federation. The experience of foreign countries, already faced with this problem (Spain, Portugal and other European countries) shows that the only way to save the pig is a rejection of breeding pigs in small farms, is not able to ensure the highest sanitary-and-epidemiologic requirements. Replace pigs in the traditional country types of animals (cattle, rabbits, poultry) can not completely eliminate the economic losses of the population. This requires to provide the population with additional land land, to organize the harvesting of coarse and succulent fodder, to carry out reconstruction of premises and equipment for animals, birds etc.

To the greatest extent for the maintenance of peasant and private farms of the population is breeding meat goats. It does not require the reconstruction of the pigsties, storage of a large quantity of hay. Products from goat meat of high quality and will be in demand at farmers ' markets.

2.1. Market

The main consumers of the results of the project are the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation and Executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation is not happy to the spread of African swine fever (ASF). A potential market are all goat breeding farms of the country interested in the purchase of cryopreserved semen Boer goat meat or cryopreserved embryos.The market volume in the country – 280-320 mln. It today. The need for this product will grow about 200% each subsequent year until market saturation.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34234
Created on: 25.07.2018

International project

Project price: 580 000 000

Investments volume: 40 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

2019 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Oganov Roman Surenovich

International project