Search video content for a text phrase

Project description

The project search system of video content on its contents.

The search involves finding the most relevant video content on arbitrary search phrases. For example, "the Robot kills the car", "Robot of liquid metal", "the Tunnel effect in quantum mechanics", "New movies about natural disasters", "a Bank robbery Investigation", etc. i.e. instead of having to use the search filters movies and video clips, the user simply enters their preferences into the search bar.

# The approach and technologies used:


The analysis of video content for video frames

2) OpenCV library "computer vision"

3) ACR technology content recognition

4) For feature films it is possible to use a text script

# Current status

1) In the development of the prototype Converter video frames in the text description

# Opportunities and prospects:

1) At the moment the market of search engines in this segment is not occupied by other players.

The only existing site:
(only in English. language)

The rest horoki spetsializiruyutsya on paid provision of content recognition, based on their accumulated data.

2) the number of available video conetnt virtually unlimited.

3) the Search engine will function in many languages.

This will allow you to take not only the English market, but all the others.

4) the successful implementation of search algorithms, the project can be profitable to sell as a ready search product large IT players.

# The resources required to run the primary version:

— 6 months to develop

— 6 months promotion

1) CTO with knowledge of the architecture UNIX (file system, processes,
download of the etc.), knowledge of C/C++, knowledge of scripting languages, skills in creating web applications amp mobile devices (up to 300 Tr
month specialist is)

2) Programmer C/C + + (up to 200 Tr per month)

3) one-time design work (up to 300 Tr, the specialist is)

As practice shows, the conversion is much higher if users
see the beautiful design.

4) 4 server (eg at Hetzner required configuration will cost
about 100 euros for 1 truck)

5) Promotion (100 Tr per month, social networking, context). After the launch of the project. Promotion in the social.networks using automatic algorithms.

6) Translators

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34244
Created on: 25.07.2018

International project

Project price: 9 500 000

Investments volume: 9 500 000

Stage: Idea

1627 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Eltsin Denis Andreevich

International project
Informational technologies