A new settlement in the suburbs

Project description

We invite investors to participate in a development project. This project involves the acquisition of a plot of land with an area of 30 Hectares, his land into plots of 10 hundred./academic, landscaping (roads, communications). All these activities are multiple to increase the investment attractiveness of the project. The output of the project is sale marked off plots of 10 acres in a picturesque village retail buyers. The project does not involve construction, based on the current market, but does not exclude it.

The described plot is for sale in the suburbs of Kazan (20 km., Zappoli, Laishevsky district), adjacent to the residential area, asphalt to plot on the boundary of the site is fracturing (gas distribution point), the transmission line, the appointment of individual housing construction. The diagram plots numbered 411( part of the site closer to Suppoli), 412.

Additional information

The investor is invited on the basis of equity participation in a share ratio of 70/30 in favor of the investor. One of the factors minimizing risks is the fact that the main object of the real estate legally issued to the investor or to an affiliated person with him. Our participation is expressed in the implementation of the project in its entirety (has experience). The expected life of the project 2.5 years.

Market analytics

As of today, the local real estate market has been transformed demand when buying a home in the suburbs. Steel hard sold ready private individual structure with a price of more than 3500000 RUB together with the site. Along with this, there is a steady demand for plots of land for individual housing in decent villages. The average cost on market in this area similar proposals 100 thousand rubles per hundred.

The uniqueness of the project

The site is located close to the city with a population of 1,500,000 people (official statistics). Good asphalt road up to the boundaries of the site. Proximity communication. Transport uphill in this direction.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34291
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, The Republic Of Tatarstan, Kazan

Project price: 80 000 000

Investments volume: 80 000 000

Stage: Project is at development stage

1353 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Shamsutdinov Artur Akopovich

Russia, The Republic Of Tatarstan, Kazan
Real estate, Construction