Production of children's furniture designer on proven technology in current production, serial production

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Project description

Trade-production company "ally" carries out sale of furniture more than 5 years and implementing a project of development of own production on the basis of existing knowledge about the demand for children's furniture.

Designed own collection of children's furniture under the brand name "Mebelart", it is put into production. The advantage of this furniture:

1 is a furniture designer with the future in mind, rebuild the interior with the growth of the child and family growth

2 - completely eco-friendly material solid pine wood and water-based paints

3 - constructive solutions allow you to optimize production and reduce labor costs, which reduces the cost of the furniture, plus selected high-quality materials at competitive prices (domestic suppliers)

4 - due to the modularity of the structures significantly reduces the cost of maintaining the inventory of program: not stored ready-made pieces of furniture, and its constituent elements, of which the furniture can be assembled at the buyer's request

According to the results of participation in exhibitions there are positive reviews regarding the quality and prices of interest from wholesale buyers.

The project has been operating for about a year, built production, selected suppliers, total cost, staff, made quality. There are sales through own retail network. The project invested 5 million rubles project initiator.

The necessary investment in establishing serial production, obtaining certificates, creating inventory programs, marketing.

Required 3 million rubles. There is the option shares in the business 30-80% of either the redemption of 100% of the available business. Ready to discuss options, at the moment I am the only owner.

Payback 2 years (nearest 0. 5 years attachments, a half-year break-even, then for 1, 5 years return on investment, then dividends).

Gross revenue in the year of 51 million rubles on the existing production capacities.

The total cost of 43 million rubles per year (35 million variable costs of material, piece-rate workers, the packaging, of the award; 8 million fixed costs for rent, salaries of engineers, marketing).

IRR of 46%

The uniqueness of the project

Designed collection of baby furniture are already on the market and demand. The necessary investment in establishing serial production.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34372
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Leningrad oblast, Saint Petersburg

Project price: 8 000 000

Investments volume: 3 000 000

Stage: Development of existing business

1077 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Metelkina Yuliya Viktorovna

Russia, Leningrad oblast, Saint Petersburg
Woodworking, Projects for children, Industry