A Federal project.

Charity Fund "We are…

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Project description

The concept plan for the development of the Fund "We are close"

Charity Fund "We are next" is an Association of caring adults to children-orphans and children with disabilities. We were United by a common feeling – the love for children and a common desire to do good works. We sincerely do our work heartily and with pleasure.



- social support of children-are currently the difficult life situation;


- social assistance and prevention of health of children-orphans and children with disabilities;


- promotion and organization of treatment of children suffering from serious illnesses, or in need of medical care, promoting their medicines and commodities;


- development and implementation of social programs for facilities and equipment of health care institutions, orphanages, and homes for mother and child, boarding schools with necessary equipments, medicines, tools, clothes.


- organization and display of theatrical and stage performances, performances, concerts with participation of children; activities, excursions, visits to monuments of history and culture, socio-cultural activities aimed at organizing leisure of children of the Fund;

Our goals are associated with the expansion of the Fund's activities to the major cities of Russia with the subsequent creation of networks for mutual assistance. The work of the network will be coordinated from the head office of the Fund.

Phased development of the project:


The investment in advertising:

- the purchase of short numbers to send SMS messages for the convenience penicillinases;

- create a short promotional video with a reference to the SMS numbers for placement on Federal channels;

- create a video, a story about the Fund (not less than 3 minutes) and its placement on Federal channels;

- placement of the ad on the radio.


The development office and collection centers, including material values and things for low-income families (after appropriate verification and registration) to base city and in cities branches.


Development of database: website, apps for smartphones, phones. The development of groups and communities in social networks, with the implementation of mini-projects from members of these groups, the involvement of the partner sites.

Minimal start-up costs


Advertising on TV

150 000

Organization of events

50 000

SN staff

75 000


20 000


18 000

Total per month

313 000

The necessary initial investment for 6 months:

1 878 000

The regional will be conducted not only maintenance and assistance to individual children on individual programs, but also participation, development and conducting of competitions, games, concerts, charity charges, the proceeds of which will be distributed to existing works.

Task: Development Fund at the Federal level.

The structure of the Fund:

Main office – St. Petersburg

The task of the main control:


Attracting public attention to the problems and needs of children.


The organization of the Federal money collections.


Control of branches.


Reporting in open sources.

Branches – any city of Russia

The task of the branch:


Verification of documents applicants families or institutions.


Organization of regional fees cash.


— Children who need expensive treatment and equipment.

Claims processing and work with the applications of families or state institutions, children who need treatment abroad, medicines, equipment, and materials.

— Assistance to the state children's institutions

Company website

Additional information

The uniqueness of the project

The investor will not only help financially, but also will become a partner in the further work of the Fund.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 34463
Created on: 25.07.2018


Project price: 2 000 000

Investments volume: 2 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

Website: http://мы-рядом.рф

5811 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Gurev Aleksey Alekseevich

Safety, Publishing house/ print work, Investments / finances, Informational technologies, Marketing, Medicine/ pharmaceutics, Real estate, Know how, Education, Projects for children, Entertainment/TV/Media, Advertising, Communications, Construction, Services