
Project description

Car rental intended for rent-to-own car one taxi company.

The life of the vehicles, for taxis to be driven to the three years before full implementation of the project and profit. As a rule, after this time the machine not only lose their appearance, but will much of the time idle in repair shops. For the year rental car in a taxi "wind" 100,000 thousand kilometers, which is significantly more than if it was in private ownership.

Therefore, the taxi company, for the rental period is fully calculated for the vehicles that become the property of TLC to the new owner carries out their cars.

The project implementation period 36 months

The profitability of the project 30%

For the project the company needs to take out a loan in the amount of 70 000 000 rubles calculated on 36 months with a rate of discount of 18%.

After the crediting period the amount of net income will be

8 936 013, 6 RUB the investor's profit will be 37 800 000. RUB over 36 billing periods.

Monthly payments expenses amounted to 3 651 777, 40 rubles.

The total gross profit of the project was: 140 040 000.

The profit of the project were: 8 936 013, 6 rubles.

The investor's profit will be: 37 800 000 rubles

The breakeven point on a 24 month, thus the profit of the Park in the first month will be 250, 000. after the end of crediting period the profit will be 3 200 000 RUB.


The study showed that this kind of business, as the creation of enterprise car Rental is extremely profitable, highly risky and promising. One of the main conditions of its operation is investment opportunity to purchase vehicles at the property or lease that is due to objective economic and financial conditions of activity in this market. The opening of the enterprise car Rental will require the project Manager commitment, high-voltage strong-willed effort, knowledge, tactical manipulation in the design of bureaucratic documentation, as well as the realization that this type of business requires careful consideration and significant capital investment. When the project Manager understands and takes responsibility for the creation of an enterprise of this scale and nature, takes responsibility for the lives of the people involved in the production process, its intellectual, financial and personal investment will be profitable, and the company to perform their immediate task, necessary to the economy and society for decades.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 35318
Created on: 25.07.2018

Rosiiya, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk oblast

Project price: 140 000 000

Investments volume: 70 000 000

Stage: Project is at development stage

1930 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Kursakov Aleksandr Sergeevich

Rosiiya, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk oblast
Carriage / transport / logistics