Processing of rubber and manufacture of rubber coatings.

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Project description

The processing of old automobile tires with subsequent production from the faction of "crumb" rubber-injury-safe tiles for stadiums, children's playgrounds and sports facilities of the same type. Manufacture of rubber crumb under the brand Sagama, for the needs of the producer group Sagama. Guaranteed sales of products through the equipment supplier LLC "Sagama-Rus", group of companies OOO "Sagama-Rus" rubber tiles, outdoor tried and tested distribution channels of the company "Sagama-Rus". For machines it is possible to sign the contract for the sale of the manufactured products of LLC "Sagama-Rus".

Market analytics

1. As technological solutions, the use of Automatic line for processing of worn tyres and other rubber goods "Sagama Pneumatico / 500" which provides the following advantages: low power consumption, multi-stage filtration of textile and metal cord, high product quality, maintainability, and a small number of staff.

2. A standardized product. The production of rubber crumbs under the brand Sagama meet the requirements of quality tile manufacturers and coatings Sagama, as well as the requirements of other participants in the market of rubber coatings.

3. Optionally available with a "Guaranteed sales". The company Sagama is ready to sign back the contract to the scheduled monthly redemption of crumb rubber at fixed prices.

4. Work in the system of Sagama. Fast adaptation in the market of crumb rubber in Russia due to the established market system chips company Sagama. Integrated solutions for the marketing of finished products.

The uniqueness of the project

The problem of processing hazardous waste is very acute in Russia. Every year millions of tons of wastes of various danger classes accumulate in landfills or in places not intended for storage and disposal. In particular, the number of cars and the segment of road transport is growing every year by tens of percent. The total volume of waste tires in Russia and CIS countries is more than 1 million tons. Insufficient number of enterprises rendering services on processing of tires, the absence of a centralized system of collection and processing of used tires in many regions leads to the fact that every year in every region are formed of more than 15,000 tons of tires. Only part of the tire is placed in special landfills, which is specially equipped for long-term storage of tires. At the same time, even organized storage of a large quantity of tyres is a constant source of environmental pollution, increased likelihood of uncontrolled fire. Tyres are highly flammable and in case of fire, the combustion temperature of the tires equals the temperature of the combustion of coal, to extinguish them hard enough, and when burning in air emitted harmful combustion products including carcinogens. Tires are practically not biodegradable, storing, and burial serve as a perfect breeding site for rodents and blood-sucking insects, vectors of infectious diseases. In addition, there is the issue of withdrawal of land for storage of tyres. Tyre recycling is the best solution of the land problem.

Since 2006, the EU banned the disposal of tires and burning them. In Russia tire recycling is a priority method of disposal of the tires. Waste tires are hazardous waste hazard class 4 and subject to mandatory recycling. In Russia there is a system of supervision of the delivery of the tires that are on the balance sheet. Businesses have the right to take tires for recycling only special plants, licensed for the treatment of dangerous waste types that provide the documents confirming the fact of delivery of the tire that is needed for the delivery of environmental reporting and accounting "of payments for negative impact on the environment". However, a worn tire with the right approach to processing that retains the chemical properties of rubber and rubber is an excellent raw material for secondary product: rubber crumb, steel and textile cord. About 90% of the tires provide a reserve of raw materials for secondary use, at the emerging problem of impracticability of material resources has enormous economic value and potential.

Thus, the relevance of creation of production on processing of tires and other rubber goods consists of two components that underlie this project:

 the solution to environmental problems: recycling of hazardous waste, conserving natural resources, reducing the polygons.

 Production of the product demanded by the market, suitable for use in various industrial fields.

Sales strategy and marketing

The market for crumb rubber is a small number of scattered producers producing different fractions of crumb rubber of different shape and quality. At the same time, a group of manufacturers of rubber tiles Sagama formed a stable demand for a standardized product: crumb rubber, sold under the desired group.

Marketing goals:

 sales not less than 1, 5 thousand tons per year.  reception for a fee of not less than 2 thousand tons per year.

As stated in the draft above, there are four directions in building sales:

 First direction: Sell rubber crumb through the electronic marketplace for the sale of rubber crumbs "CrumbEx" CrumbEx — a single trading platform for rubber chips. The site is an open Internet resource, which are exhibited online applications for paroplapoderus rubber crumb, whose main task is creating a service that guarantees users the quality and the purity of the transaction.

Benefits of the strategy: 1. Traceability, demand for chips in the given region. 2. The possibility of rapid placement of orders for the sale of crumbs. Orientation in the price range on the market of crumb rubber. 3. Savings on managerial resources. There is no need to create an extended staff of sales managers, the problem of finding buyers is delegated to the managers of the electronic platform. 4. Protection from unscrupulous buyers. 5. If necessary, the ability to sell a certain amount of chips in no time.

 The second direction: the Production of rubber crumbs under the brand Sagama, for the needs of the producer group Sagama. Guaranteed sales of products through the equipment supplier LLC "Sagama-Rus", group of companies OOO "Sagama-Rus" rubber tiles, outdoor tried and tested distribution channels of the company "Sagama-Rus". For machines it is possible to sign the contract for the sale of the manufactured products of LLC "Sagama-Rus".

The advantages of such a strategy: 1. Guaranteed sales. 2. Fixed-price-level average prices. 3. The market opportunity for standardized chips Sagama more than 50 enterprises producing rubber tiles Sagama, to companies-partners, "Sagama-Rus". 4. No need large cost positioning and PR market in Russia. Since information about the processor appears on the corporate website and sent the group of producers with recommendations on quality and production volumes.

 The third direction is the Marketing of products on their own. The construction of a distribution system is conducted with the help of active sales managers. The advantage of this strategy: independence of action on the market. You need a clear understanding of market participants, independent search of clients. Sales effectiveness largely depends on the skills of managers. As the lack of a strategy also seen large spending on advertising, positioning and PR.

 The fourth line: the Marketing of products under the implementation of government programs (sports, roads) through placement of state orders. In the budgets of different levels are budgeted funds for the execution of works, the use of crumb rubber as a raw material, particularly sports stadiums, arenas, playgrounds, road construction. Advantages: huge supply, guaranteed sales, with the support of the administration. Among the weaknesses is the dependence on the administrative resources and funding.

Launcher: To represent the product market requires the following steps:

1. Creating your own web site.

2. The location information and the manufacturer information resources Sagama;

3. Advertising information about the manufacturer;

4. Participation in seminars, presentations, exhibitions;

5. The creation of an information occasion – the opening production for processing tires in your area with the participation of the first persons of a city or region;

6. Cooperation with Rosprirodnadzor on the organization of collecting materials and increasing the awareness of companies about the possibility to take the bus for processing in the region.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 35334
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Kemerovo Oblast

Project price: 40 000 000

Investments volume: 40 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

795 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Chernyishov Viktor Sergeevich

Russia, Kemerovo Oblast
Consumer goods industry, Waste treatment, Industry