Online store of stylish women's clothing, shoes and accessories "Style4lady"

Project description

The idea is to create an online store for selling chic women's clothing, shoes and accessories in the former CIS countries, and internationally.

Why in this competitive niche?

1. The market volume of Internet sales in Ukraine – 1, 7 billion. Ukrainian e-commerce market is the fastest growing in Europe (according to Ecommerce Europe). The number of Internet users – 21, 6 million.

According to the UDMA, the fashion segment in Ukraine (clothes and shoes) in e-commerce is the second volume in money terms and by the end of 2015 amounted to $143 million Despite an overall drop in e-Commerce market in dollars in comparison with 2014, the fashion segment showed growth in local currency and the dollar. In dollars, the growth is 9%, while the market volume in the national currency has doubled.

It's only Ukraine, since I myself am from Ukraine, but I'm not going to limit ourselves to this market, as in Runete possible market is much more profitable. Organization is key the correct outsourcing of processes, logistics and business automation.

2. I have access to a huge number (20 + ) small wholesale suppliers in this niche. Therefore, at the initial stage of business project big investments in the purchase of goods may not be required, this can be done during the sales, until the project will not spin. You can add a product not all, but only the appropriate niche and the name of the store, namely a stylish, classy and high quality. Thus there is an opportunity to attract paying target audience that will buy our products.

In parallel with the development and promotion of an online store think to organize a network of offline boutiques in large shopping centers of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan for the implementation of ordered small wholesale of goods not used in the sales in the online store, is already late.

In consequence, in the promotion of the business has the opportunity to organize an international sale with access to European and American market, but that is another topic.

3. Me this subject very much, I have good taste (even the "fashionista":) ), there are design skills. In fact it's one of my favorite topics, which I never get tired of.

4. There is also the possibility of attracting experienced professionals Runetа is to create a selling store with a high conversion rate, as well as project promotion.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 35386
Created on: 25.07.2018

International project

Project price: 500 000

Investments volume: 300 000

Stage: Idea

2234 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Fesovets Alla Anatolevna

International project
Trade, Fashion and beauty