First Family Music Private music school for adults

Project description

Presentation of the project Private music school and production center for adults. The aim of the project is to teach adults to sing, play musical instruments.

Courses are vocal, piano, guitar, drums.

The promotion of pupils on the big stage and socialmedia.

The duration of the training one client from 6 to 18 months.

Difference from competitors: the availability of the production center, catering, regular intramural activities, interior design school with the use of lighting.

This is the second school in our experience.

About the team: the experience in the field of private music schools, from 2014. Three years ago, have created their own profitable music school for adults.

To run the project at this point is: current regular customers, researched teaching methods, teaching staff, created a website, there is a strong team at the Internet marketing are a few options inside of TTC, formulated and tested marketing strategy, a financial model is calculated for 24 months, built sales technologies.

Investment required: 6 472 917 rubles

The investor's annual income: 6 236 700 rubles

The investor's share after the investment return: 49%

Return on investment: 16-18 months

The annual turnover of school: 35 390 000 rubles

Annual net profit: 12 728 000 rubles

The profitability of the project: 35, 9 %

The main components of the income of the school: vocal courses, piano classes, guitar courses, courses of percussion instruments.

Extra income school catering, recording Studio, production center, paid workshops, a dance-music events on Fridays and Saturdays, rent rooms in off hours.

Launch: July-August 2017

The uniqueness of the project

The presence of a production center, catering, regular intramural activities, interior design school with the use of lighting.

Cozy, beautiful space in which not only a pleasure to deal with, but just to relax and to use as a coworking space (free for students), you can go, drink coffee, eat (it is catering).

— The marketing team creates the minimum value of the customer, whereby we will be able to reduce the price of season tickets and making them more profitable for the customer and for the school.

— A guarantee of long operation of the school. We don't close in a month – half a year.

— Money back guarantee if the client wishes.

— Teachers – coordinated team. The customer can go from one teacher to another without fear.

— In case of illness or absence of the teacher, the school provides adequate replacement.

The school provides credit and deferred payment without interest and commissions.

Production centre the school will provide the opportunity to go in show business for children and adults. (No the school does not provide this)

–Create a private space within the school for events, dance and musical evenings, master classes and concerts music café inside the school.

Monetization sources

Ticket sales, workshops, events, services, production, recording services, catering.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 35762
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Moscow Oblast, Moscow

Project price: 6 472 917

Investments volume: 6 472 917

Stage: Business for sale

1126 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Belyaeva Polina Viktorovna

Russia, Moscow Oblast, Moscow
Education, Music / art / show business