IT-startup (sport betting) a Small project up to 500 thousand


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Project description

Project in the field of "sports Betting", a portal for players who bet in betting companies.

The project run for 3 months and provides useful information for the customers of betting companies.

Immediately after the start begins to receive revenue.

The first feature of this project: the minimum investment in marketing, at the level of 50 thousand rubles.

The second feature of the project: almost immediate (1-2 months) the success rate of the project. If the idea of "shoot", then it will be seen in the first months of operation.

A marketing plan allows you to involve in the project from 100 to 500 clients during the first months. For payback in 2 months need 200 customers.

The project has a natural limit and will be able to generate the maximum revenue at the level of 10-12 million rubles a year. Although more realistic to consider the revenue at 5 million in the first year of operation.

Your project requires investor-a partner who can commit 1-2 hours of time on an average day and to perform the duties of chief operating officer (to monitor the expenses and income of the project)

The idea of the project has risks (not to shoot), but even under the most unfavorable scenario the investor is returned their investment in 8-10 months.

Currently there are similar projects, which shows the existence of the audience, it is necessary for the project. The first phase of the project just aims to capture existing target audience.

The second phase of the project, a new audience at the expense of input in a project of some constituent, which still was not on the market.

Additional information

The project prepared all documentation and justification of ideas and technical requirements on the portal, is available on additional request.

The uniqueness of the project

To enter into the market apply low-cost marketing solution with a high factor of attracting customers.

Monetization sources

Information paid subscription customers

Sales strategy and marketing

The involvement of players in betting companies

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 35861
Created on: 25.07.2018


Project price: 500 000

Investments volume: 500 000

Stage: Project is at development stage

613 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

R Mikhail

Informational technologies, Lottery, Entertainment/TV/Media