Project description


Modified polymers, composites, nanomaterials.


The creation of the current production of materials and products for the needs of the mining industry, including hazardous production facilities of coal industry of modified polymers.


Structured polymersPA 6N AU/AP (polyamide-6 (caprolon) modified antistatic-/antipireny). Finished products: conveyor rollers, bearings, guides.New polymers with desired properties. Markets: coal industry, mining industry, production of fertilizers, machinery, etc.


Anti-static, antipireny, frictional properties achieved by the modification of polymers that provide competitive advantages to PA 6M AC/AP compared to materials. (steel, bronze)sale Price PA 6M AC/AP is equal to the exercise price of the unmodified counterpart.Product certification by ROSTECHNADZOR order

Company website

Additional information

Antipyrene properties (combustibility) of modified and not modified polyamide 6:

The uniqueness of the project

The company has developed and obtained various modifications of polyamide 6 (block, caprolon) under the brand name PAS 6M-AC/AP with improved physicochemical properties.

Polymer composite material PA 6M-AC/AP (polyamide 6 modified antistatic, antipireny) developed on the basis of polyamide-6-block modified with additives with the use of fullerenes, has a unique performance. Due to the unique properties of the new material plastic conveyor roller from material PA 6M-AC/AP one of the best in the world in terms of performance, compared to competitive rollers of steel and polyethylene (HDPE, HDPE). Polymer conveyor roller based on material PA 6M-AC/up to 6 times more economical operating cost.

Rollers for belt conveyors made of polymeric nanocomposite material PA 6M-AC/AP has the following advantages:

* Anti-static PA 6M-AC/AP — compared with non-modified polyamide was improved parameters specific surface electric resistance from 10*4 to 10*8 Ohms/cm. the Material is not a dielectric corresponds to the class of semiconductors such as antistatic agents (GOST 6433.2).

* Enteredby PA 6M-AC/AP (halogen-free) — compared with non-modified polyamide was achieved attenuation of the material after ignition of various combustion sources. The material meets the fire resistance requirements for components used in potentially explosive atmospheres of mines. GOST R EN 1710 2009 (p. 6.2).

* Less weight. Plastic roller lighter than the metal 2-3 times

* Chemo and corrosion resistance.

High resource environments with high moisture and palestinianism.

Increased 3-6 times the life of the roller.

Technology of modification of protected Know-How.

Currently developed technical documentation on plastic conveyor rollers designed for installation in belt conveyors of General purpose according to GOST 22644 and conveyors mine tape according to GOST R 51984 with an outer diameter of 127, 133 and 159 mm in accordance with TU 3161-001-47921026-07, the value of the linear belt load to 100 kg/m RM. and to 250 kg/LM. When starting industrial production diameter can be any, and the linear dimensions of the rollers up to 2m.

Sales strategy and marketing

The conquest of the market and achievement of goals requires an aggressive sales policy. Features of the market noted above (see "promotion Policy") suggest the possibility of the sale of goods and materials from the PA 6M through intermediaries. The main but not the only possible form of marketing policies for the company are direct sales.

Thus, the basic principle of marketing policy of the enterprise should be an aggressive policy of direct sales, that is the view of the company's products the maximum possible number of potential buyers. To maximize the effectiveness of such marketing policy is necessary to ensure its appropriate organization:


classifying potential customers. For the needs of the enterprise the most effective is the classification on a geographical basis, i.e., the division by regions;


select the group of customers (sales area);


for each group of customers (sales territory) to appoint a sales Managerresponsible for building rapport with this group of clients (with all customers in a particular sales territory).

In the first phase of activity of the enterprise task sales will be representing the company and its products to maximum number of potential customers. This can be achieved both through personal visits to customers with sales managers and direct mailing of promotional materials about the company.

In the future, tasks of the sales Manager will be:


maintaining contact with potential clients, regular calls to potential customers, informing them about the changes in the company activities, new products, etc.;


creating and maintaining a database of potential clients, regular updating of data concerning changes in activity, personnel changes.

Aggressive marketing policy will be an important competitive advantage of the enterprise in the market of structural materials.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 35922
Created on: 25.07.2018


Project price: 48 700 000

Investments volume: 39 200 000

Stage: Business for sale


3466 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Nagoryanskiy Aleksey Leonidovich

Polymers treatment, Know how, Industry, Mining industry