The largest in the CIS start-up school for Teens "the Legacy of 21"

Project description

Today I want to introduce you one of the fastest growing and socially important franchises in the CIS – project "the Legacy of 21"

"The legacy of 21" is the largest CIS private startup school for adolescents, where the guys are trained offline and online in two ways: Charisma and Innovative business.

· At the direction of "Innovative business" students work on self-determination, the identification of its strong competences, learn to generate innovative ideas, learning to translate them into reality and to output the created innovations in monetization.
· At the direction of "Charisma" the guys work with the coaches in acting and stage speech, they develop their brightness, sociability, charisma and confidence.

Full information on our website

These fundamental knowledge give neither in schools nor in Universities. That is why this combination of educational areas is unique and useful for students.

To sum up, the teenagers create their own innovative projects, and then displays them on the monetization, and about the process in each city is removed show. The show is about young entrepreneurs, "the Legacy of 21". It also is promoting science and creativity among the young generation.


To run the branch in the city with a population of 500,000 people enough 200 000 (150 thousand of which is a lump-sum payment and 50 thousand, an investment into the opening of the branch)
To recoup investments and become profitable is possible after the second month of work. If you stick to the open algorithm of a branch, then we can go on an income of 150-200 thousand net profit a month (quite good, considering that the branch can even access yesterday's graduates without experience and knowledge in business).

Training and support

In August of each year, the owners of the franchises "the Legacy of 21" going on a big two-week training at Sochi, where they receive a complete theoretical and practical base to start the educational and film-making processes in their cities, and receive sensitive and effective support for the entire academic year (from enrollment until the investment session for young startups). Moreover, the trainers who conduct the educational process and Directors in cities that control the shooting process, also get offline and online support.

The mission and purpose

"The legacy of 21" is the only major player and leader in this market. Thus, all other players automatically become followers and gain experience and they have no choice but to copy the practices of the leader.

Underlying the mission of “the Legacy of 21” is a paradigm shift of thinking of modern man, consumer to creative.
It is important to understand that the scale of the individual or project is determined by the scale of the goals to which he aspires.

The goal of "Heritage" is the transformation of society and transition to new, more efficient economic model, where every single individual will not face the problems that exist now, such as: hunger, war, inequality, poverty.

Based on the foregoing, the question arises: what could be more valuable and more important to our civilization than education and technology development?

Learn more and request to open a branch in their city on the site Наследие21.RF/franchise

Full information on our website

Additional information

For 7 years we have not had a single unprofitable branch.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 36031
Created on: 25.07.2018

International project

Project price: 10 000 000

Investments volume: 100 000

Stage: Development of existing business

Website: Наследиефраншиза

901 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Akimov Valeriy Vitalevich

International project
Consulting, Science, Services, Education