T. M. "Adynamic"

" data-yashareLink="https://onlbp.com/projects/p36073/" data-yashareImage="https://onlbp.com/assets/upload/1199/gallery/2017/05/22/gallery_koJ9o2IfDi.jpg">

Project description

It is planned the opening of food production T. M."Adynamic"Main activity of the company is to manufacture the most important food: bread and meat. This product takes a leading place in sales in the country and in the world.

The secondary activity of the company is retail trade of products manufactured by us and goods necessary to maintain assortment in our stores.

Our products have no season, there is no criteria for age, social class, income level, etc. Our products are needed not only for the person (to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle), but also for his Pets: dogs, cats, birds, fish, cattle, etc.

The aim of the project is to provide the population at the initial stage, within a radius of 100km. (the radius will increase) high-quality, fresh produce, non-GMO and other chemical additives. Analogues of such production in the area no.

A huge benefit is that two of the most important product will complement each other — to be part of the ingredients needed for cooking. Also, is the savings on equipment, which is necessary for both productions, and will be purchased in single copies, and is already in production, traffic, and materials and raw materials, and equipment.

To date, no strong competitors. Decent and strong, purposeful and hard-working people are simply afraid to go to the periphery and to invest money there.

To open a project you will need 3 months, could be more, but we have some documents on hand.

To run this project requires funds in the amount of 12 million. RUB In their calculations, I entire amount invested in the company expenses, plus we paid the Bank interest in the amount of 4 million. 400tys. RUB over the 3 years of the loan (if we took the money to open the Bank).

The results show us that the project has a budget of 12 million. RUB + RUB 4.4 million total 16.4 million rubles, to pay for itself in less than 3 years and in the fourth year of our indicators project "Adynamic" will bring profit to its creators $ 8mln.752тыс.848руб.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 36073
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Ivanovo Oblast, Ivanovo

Project price: 12 000 000

Investments volume: 12 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

404 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Gorbachenko Lyudmila Valerievna

Russia, Ivanovo Oblast, Ivanovo
Food services