Berry farm in Karelia

Project description

Our goal is to create a family farm growing berries in Karelia. For a start, we plan to grow strawberries everbearing varieties, as it is the most profitable. Unlike conventional strawberries, which gives one crop a year, everbearing fruits two or more times. However, the strawberry everbearing has some features coorientation to consider when growing and care. But despite the high cost and complexity of the work associated with growing everbearing strawberries, its yield exceeds 3-4 times the ordinary strawberry, which allows to obtain net profit from 1 hectare of land per season on average from 5 to 10 million rubles. (minimum of 3 million in the worst case: a bad year or other unforeseen climatic circumstances). Our method of cultivation based on natural farming, which aim is to grow healthy crops without chemicals.

Market analytics

Currently, the population is more and more attention is paid to quality of consumer products and strive to build your diet with the greatest benefit for health, which makes it attractive to segments of the personalized nutrition and organic agriculture.

Today in Russia there is potentially high demand for organic food and modern biotechnology allow us to pass on organic farming practices for many crops without loss of yield and without increasing the cost.

Today, agricultural science, and with it the equipment and technology has reached a level that can produce food in sufficient quantities without the use of chemicals.

We have a huge amount of vacant land. It would seem that this excellent conditions for developing organic farming, many years the land rested, no chemicals't seen around for many miles of any polluting enterprises.

Today is really the market for organic products in Russia is extremely small and in the total food market is a fraction of a percent.

Special obstacles to the development of organic agriculture in Russia. Every stakeholder is interested in that. In the end, it is not only about healthy eating but also about the desire to live and work in harmony with the surrounding world. Because organic farming implies the preservation of soil fertility, purity of water, respect to the animal world, including the animals, which includes the farmer. All of this is a powerful incentive to work.

In industrial cultivation of berries in the world's most popular long been a strawberry, or strawberry. Its share, according to analysts in the world production accounts for 68%. Second place in the world ranking is the currant, and the third raspberry.

The high adaptive capacity of strawberries can grow it in regions with different climates. To undoubted advantages of this culture should be attributed to the high profitability of its cultivation and the sweet taste of berries.

Despite impressive growth dynamics, producers of berries in Russia can provide while only 2 – 3% of domestic demand. Berry market has a huge potential and high profitability and fast return on investment make it particularly attractive.

The uniqueness of the project

The yield of everbearing strawberries is much more than any other traditional varieties (3-4 times). The time of fruiting stretched, which allows you to pick berries until late autumn.

The main period of fruiting everbearing varieties of strawberries to occur in August — September (and even October), as the first wave of fruiting attributable to the July, preventable (to increase yield overall for the season), while the period of ripening strawberries traditional varieties occur in July.

In this case, the cultivation of everbearing strawberries has the advantage over the competitors — producers of conventional varieties of strawberries. In Karelia, the niche for growing everbearing varieties of strawberries free.

The main advantage of everbearing strawberries as berries. They are all large, bright red color, firm flesh, and therefore transportable, when processing do not boil soft, perfect for freezing.

In addition, strawberries are everbearing, being a relative of the strawberry is healthier than usual, as it has retained the best properties of wood strawberries, which was bred by crossing with garden varieties.

Everbearing strawberry varieties are the least susceptible to pests and diseases due to more frequent rejuvenation. And if all the rules of farming when growing this plant, it is possible to achieve good results even in a bad year.

Monetization sources


In the future we plan to create a web site, advertising on Yandex.Direct, online markets and other Internet resources, working actively with major potential customers (supermarkets, bases, enterprises for the production and processing of food products).

Sales strategy and marketing

The target audience of the market of fresh strawberry is quite extensive, as our geographical location in the center of the Western part of the North-Western district, adjacent to Leningrad, Vologda, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, in the vicinity within a 1000 km away Pskov and Novgorod regions and in Moscow.

Strawberry is one of the most delicious berries. Its all love and grow almost everywhere. The plant is undemanding and productive.

Today, with all the abundance of goods on the shelves, quite difficult to find natural healthy products. Our goal is to grow organic and healthy crop of strawberrieswithout chemicals.

Our potential buyers — it's like the population of our region (Republic of Karelia), and large buyers of the Northwest district and the city of Moscow (food producers, supermarkets, etc.).

To start we plan to use the services of transport companies and entrepreneurs on delivery of the goods to the buyer. The composition of the costs presented in the business plan, include the transportation costs, taking into account the range distance prospective buyers (up to 0, 7 million rubles), costs on promotion and advertising of the product (more than 0, to 1 million rubles) to the maximum value for the first year.

Wholesale prices for fresh strawberries in Russia are on average 200-250 rubles per 1 kg. To attract regular customers, in the first year it is advisable to set prices below wholesale in Russia, i.e. for 180 rubles. per 1 kg, on this basis, calculation of income and profit, presented in the business plan.

For information: the Karelian farmers sell their strawberries to the population at 400 RUB. per 1 kg.

In the future we plan growing: raspberries, gooseberries, currants, plums, cherries, apples, etc., and their seedlings for sale and own reproduction.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 36079
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Karelia Republic, Petrozavodsk

Project price: 2 200 000

Investments volume: 2 200 000

Stage: Business for sale

Website: группы: ,

1370 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Vatanen Svetlana Yurevna

Russia, Karelia Republic, Petrozavodsk