Manufacturing high-tech building modules

Project description

Production design elements of hybrid modular construction.

Hybrid modular construction is an innovative construction that allows you to quickly, affordably and with the highest quality to build any construction projects for virtually any industry.

Modular buildings that are selected for production, belong to the highest category, the precast method of construction. In the end, a building constructed of the modules, provides the same constructive concept and technical characteristics as the most quality objects, built on the site.Buildings collected on site from modules already completed on the manufacturing trim, which allows to reduce the construction period of two times. Such modules will be the products generated by production.

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The use of modular construction is particularly in demand in Russia for the construction of medical institutions, kindergartens and schools, etc., i.e., objects of budget financing, requiring a rapid disbursement of funds, the quality of which is subjected to the most thorough control.Thus, in contrast to prefabricated or block-container buildings, the solution is ideal for construction of buildings for industries, education and especially for health.Currently, the building modules are manufactured outside Russia (e.g. in Germany), which leads to their higher prices and longer delivery. However, they remain popular government customers due to high quality and short construction time.

The uniqueness of the project

The above construction method allows to realize any type of design of the building and provides for the construction of a number of advantages:

Produced modules allow you to provide in the factory up to 90% of factory readiness;Since the production is independent of weather conditions of production areas, the speed and quality of manufacturing of building structures is ensured at a higher level

The volume and cost of works on arrangement of construction site are significantly reduced, Input of objects in operation in the shortest possible time

These advantages provide a rapid return on investment, because the objects begin to work much faster and more efficiently than in the case of using conventional building technologies.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 36080
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Moscow Oblast

Project price: 178 792 398

Investments volume: 137 000 000

Stage: Business for sale


684 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Evgazhukov Yuriy Sergeevich

Russia, Moscow Oblast
Architecture, Designing, Real estate