Funding for the construction of the cottage settlement in the framework of the project "Affordable house in Kaluga."

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Project description

Funding for the construction of the cottage settlement in the framework of the project "Affordable house in Kaluga."

Project: Construction of cottage settlement in the framework of the project "Affordable House in Kaluga."

Location: Russia, Kaluga oblast, Kaluga

Project cost: 348 268 100.

The amount of investment/funding:150 000 000 RUB.

Stage: Finished project

Term of realization /term of recoupment 13-20 months

Security — gated village (property investor) with a total area of 21 Hectares ( land category individual housing construction) with roads and recreations.

Economic evaluation of the business project shows that the project is highly effective.The estimated project payback period (time required to cover the initial investment through net cash flow generated by the investment project) will be 13 months.Internal rate of return (IRR is the expected rate of return (ROI)) is 96, 2%.

The project will bring income to the investor in the amount of 51 854 391 rubles. / 30 %

Evaluation of economic efficiency of the project:

- Payback period – PB – 13 months. — Net present value – NPV – 51 854 391 rubles. — Internal rate of return – IRR – 96, 2%. — The average rate of return

ARR – 103, 6%. — Profitability index – 1, 73

If necessary, I can send You a full business plan, feasibility study and all project documentation

Investment in construction and the construction of cottage settlements is known as a profitable business generating serious profit. But at the moment the positive dynamics in the market of country real estate has been preserved only in the segment of "economy" is a cheap house with an area of 100 -200 sq. m. with land and communications at a minimum price

In early 2017, Rosstat reported on the reduction of housing construction across the country at 7%. This is the result in 2016 in comparison with 2015. This decline is associated with the difficult situation on the real estate market and low demand for housing in times of crisis for Russia.However, Kaluga oblast positively stands out from most regions, as for 11 months of the year 2016 plan for housing was exceeded by 2%.Last year was commissioned 623 thousand square meters of housing, and 296 thousand square meters. m – individual developers. Such good results have allowed the region to enter into the five of regions-leaders on volume of housing construction. Especially notable was the Kirov, and Maloyaroslavets Meshchovsk areas. The volume of mortgage lending increased by 31% in comparison with 2015. The total amount of mortgage loans amounted to 9 billion 240 million rubles. Residents of the area are not afraid to take shelter in the mortgage, and it speaks of a certain stability, as the real estate market in the region and income levels.The area retains a positive attitude and the current 2017. The pace of housing construction is not reduced, although early in the year and there is a slight decline in demand for housing. This problem will be solved by creating a project management office for resettlement in the Kaluga region. This organization will deal with the functioning of the housing market in our region. Its structure should include representatives of relevant ministries and agencies and, of course, the developers themselves. On the website of the administration of the Kaluga region has appeared the decree on the establishment of the project office, which means that words will be supported by the case.

We are a construction company, which has long been working on the market of similar projects, has good experience in retail sales. We have a well-functioning system of work and logistics, allowing to build quickly, a lot and efficiently. We have all the necessary communication and includes the entire Executive and the staff.Our interest in this project is the construction of houses. Own production the entire construction process allows us to build and sell houses much cheaper and better competitors and much more profitable for consumers

Our company has developed a unique project of affordable housing for the residents of Kaluga and Kaluga region. The goals and objectives which is affordable housing for the residents of Kaluga and Kaluga region meets the real requirements and the real demand of the population - the possibility of purchasing comfortable, modern and energy saving ( economical) home in ready cottage with infrastructure and transport accessibility, available to most ordinary families.

Competitive advantages purchase a house within the project "Affordable House Kaluga" in the cottage "lilies" in the first place is a marketing concept focused on meeting the demand of consumers for high quality, modern, economical to maintain, affordable suburban housing.

Any of the developed projects of buildings can be interesting as for a large family or a couple, sometimes receiving guests. Projects allow you to host from 2 to 5 rooms, on each floor there is a bathroom.

The buyer gets the actual maximum ready to move house

For this project we have chosen a cottage village "lilies". The village has an excellent location.Cottage village "Lily" is 3 km from Kaluga ( 170 km from Moscow) and is included in the new cluster development rural settlement Yastrebovka is a separate, independent entity with its own management structure. Near luxury low-rise buildings "Park town Ferzikovo". The streets given the names of great Russian artists. The village itself is located at a quiet and picturesque place, surrounded by forest, close to plenty of stocked ponds and lakes. Despite the proximity to the city here you can really relax from the hustle and bustle. The location is ideal for permanent residence and country estate, as it has everything you need for a complete and comfortable stay and rest. In the village planned hour security with video registration, children's Playground, a guest Parking, a strong point of forces of law and clinic, shop. The opportunity of residence in a clean, secluded place in the vicinity of the city of Kaluga (3 km).All the necessary paperwork for communication is received. Electricity, gas is already being done on sites.

Total area of the village 21 Hectares ( land category individual housing construction) with roads and recreations. At the moment, the planned construction of 90 houses with plots on 10 acres. Maybe even cut into sections. Encumbrances do not exist. All of the property for sole traders or natural persons (possession of more than 3 years).The owner on hand all necessary documents in accordance with regulatory requirements, there is a project documentation.This village meets the requirements and concept of the project and requires a minimum investment of time and money to implement it.

We conducted a small (experimental) advertising the company and its analysis showed a real interest and demand for this project, many were interested, many are already thinking about purchasing. The analysis shows that people still prefer and are more likely to buy a "finished project" t e have built a house in ready to live in the village even in spite of the fact that such variant will be more expensive at 60-70 % .

So we see the realization of this project by building the village infrastructure, as well as comfortable, modern and economical in maintenance of houses with an average area of 130, 150 and 200 sq. m. with trim and communications at a price below the average market that satisfies customer requirements and provides the maximum pace of sales.

According to the available project documentation in the village it is planned construction 90коттеджей with plots on 10 acres.You have the option of providing additional number of plots.

House will be build in the comfort for the user equipment maximum ready to move in: fence, Foundation, building frame, floors, walls, roof, Windows, doors, trim, ventilation, supply of communications to the home and wiring in the home, installation of equipment, commissioning.

In the framework of the project it is planned the construction of the cottages of 3 types:

- 130 sq. m.,

- area of 150 sq. m.

- area of 200 sq. m.

Houses are planned to be built in the same architectural style and design, so all the houses will represent a single picture, blends harmoniously into the natural landscape. Also provides for the possibility of building on an individual project of the client.

The home buyer will receive from the Builder a 5 year warranty on structural elements and external decoration of the house.Guarantee, installed in the building engineering equipment – 1 year, provided that its producers.

All communications in the village – Central: its wastewater treatment plant and water intake site, so operation of their home, almost no different from the operation of apartment in any apartment building, but the house maintenance costs much cheaper content 1-bedroom apartments.

Gas – mains, divorced through the village and runs along the boundaries of individual plots.

We offer sale under the standard scheme in 3 phases (3 turns). It is also convenient for the investor, because it involves a phased financing, and the first profit at the stage of implementation of the first phase of the project

The proposed pattern of investment and participation

Our project + the full implementation of our forces and resources ( from the construction to the attraction and sale) + Your financing ready cottage settlement that meets the basic requirements and demands of the population = the = investment return and income of the investor.

We offer 2 options for financing the full and phased through the sale of the first and second phase of the cottages

Full funding provides for the implementation of the project, excluding any delays in construction, without the need for investors and implementation in the early stages of the objects at a lower cost and significantly reduces the risk of the investor, as he becomes the owner of the project that is for the investor a perfect and safe investment

Staged financing provides the main funding in the amount of 150 million roubles, the acquisition of the village, infrastructure, landscaping, construction of the first phase of houses (30 PCs), subsequent stages of construction at the expense of attracted funds and the sale of the first phase of the cottages.

For a quick and successful sale is planned:

- conducting active marketing and advertising company, was developed by specialists of the company Available House;

- portfolio creation and publication of testimonials from satisfied customers on the website of the company;

- involvement of estate agents.

The advertising campaign will include:

- advertising in print media;

- contextual advertising;

- outdoor advertising;

- advertising on construction and architectural exhibitions;

- advertising on construction site. Demonstration house;

advertising Souvenirs and gifts. This tool will allow you to attract new customers through those who have used the services of the company.

Given correctly and professionally formed the marketing concept and advertising campaign, we expect a fast and "high-quality" homes for sale in the village. In other words, formed a sentence, "beneficial-for-sale" and "sells itself."

In the framework of the project "the House — Moscow" we also suggested to the investors in the financing of projects for construction of cottage settlements in the same concept and the same terms in Kraskovo Park ( Minsk) forest and Sof( Troitsk).

We hope for further fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

In case of any questions on the project, cooperation will be glad to discuss them with You over the phone

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 36199
Created on: 25.07.2018

Russia, Kaluga Oblast, Kaluga

Project price: 348 268 100

Investments volume: 150 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

1749 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Alekhina Inna Valerevna

Russia, Kaluga Oblast, Kaluga
Construction, Real estate