Greenhouse complex of 2 hectares

Project description

On a plot of 3, 3 Hectares, is located at the address Russian Federation, Republic of Adygea, Teuchezhsky district, North-East of the farm Novo-Vochepshy, the planned construction of the greenhouse complex for growing vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) 2ha. The concept of the project envisages the creation of enterprises and the construction of a greenhouse complex with an area of 2 Ha and performance 841 tons of vegetables per year. The purpose of the company will be:

Providing high — quality, export-oriented, competitive products for domestic and foreign markets;

— Continuous provision of basic types of agricultural products population;

— Profit from the results of the production and marketing of agricultural products;

Investment costs:

1. Investments in fixed capital — 65 371 060 RUB.

2. Working capital — 5 234 290 RUB.

Only 70 605 350 RUB.

Predictable funding of the project:


Investment costs — 34 169 606 RUB.

Operating expenses – 39 000 RUB.


Investment costs — 9 564 293 RUB.

Operating expenses – 39 000 RUB.


Investment costs — 13 058 496 RUB.

Operating expenses – 39 000 RUB.


Investment costs — 8 578 666 RUB.

Operating costs – 159, 000.


Operating costs -2 048 785 RUB


Operating expenses -1 602 842 RUB.


Operating costs – 1 306 662 RUB.

Indicators of efficiency of activity of the enterprise for the 2nd year of the project:

Annual profit (2 year), thousand rubles 25 277, 68

Return on assets 36%

Internal rate of return (IRR) 40%

Net present value (NPV), thousand rubles 55 266, 58

Payback (simple), years 2, 7

Planned start of construction — 01.05.2018 G.

— Planned programme of production for years

Figure 2018 2019 2020 — 2022

Tomatoes, tn. 120 300 300

Cucumbers, tn. 158 541 541

The yield of tomatoes, kg/m2 48

Cucumber yield, kg/m2 56

Retail prices for tomatoes and cucumbers for the city of Krasnodar as of November 1, 2017, RUB/kg

80 Tomatoes; Cucumbers 70

— Analysis of the project, ths.

Period 2018 2019 2020
Income from sales of services 28 896 67 328 67 328
Balance sheet profit 7 046 25 277 25 277
Full... cost of services 21 849 42 050 42 050
The amount of marginal revenue 28 896 67 328 67 328
The limit... break even 20 809 39 829 39 829
Supply... financial stability... of the enterprise.(%) 35% 60% 60%

Market analytics

The Russian market is one of the most attractive for investors in the growing of fresh vegetables, in terms of volume and prices of sales in the cold season. Overall, consumer demand in Russia on greenhouse vegetable production has a stable positive dynamics.

According to nutritionists, the Nutrition scientific and research Institute of Moscow, the rate of consumption of vegetables per inhabitant of Russia in the year should be at least 87, 6 kg of vegetables, while taking into account climatic conditions, grown under greenhouse culture conditions, up to 15 kg. According to market experts, the real domestic greenhouse production gives about 630 thousand tons of vegetables a year. Ensuring the same minimum medical standards of consumption of fresh greenhouse vegetables, grown in the protected ground in Russia should be around 2, 197 million tons.

Investing in greenhouses is promising, despite the unstable conditions in the market, due to the public factor. The potential capacity of the Russian market at least two times higher than the currently produced and consumed volume of vegetable crops. The same situation in the consumption segment of fresh flowers. Relevance to the development of this kind of business gives the effect of the economic sanctions, the economic crisis against the countries of the former major participants in the process of turnover in the Russian market. Consumers in Russia increasingly prefer to buy products of local producers, caring for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family members, is a taste of the purchased vegetables.

The uniqueness of the project

1. The geographical location (station is at a distance from Krasnodar — 30 km

from a small town 75 km away from Adygeysk – 18 km).

2. Climatic conditions. Heating is used in cold season.

3. Close passing vehicle communication (route Krasnodar – Maykop) and line El. gear.

4. Lowest average sales price (70-80 rubles/kg).

5. Environmentally friendly products.

6. Agronomic support for the project to 4 years.

7. Full automation of the process.

Agronomic support includes:

1.Selection of planting material;

2.The development of a technical card for the preparation of the nutrient solution.

3.The development of a schedule of plant protection.

4.Plan development climate in the greenhouse.

5.Training of the personnel.

Monetization sources

Supply their products to trading networks, wholesale markets in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, Food city.

Sales strategy and marketing

Marketing plan.

Before considering the competitive environment, consider the current state of the consumer market. Currently, the international crisis dictates the conditions of life, both citizens and businesses as a whole.

The crisis phenomena in the economy in 2013-2014 had a negative impact on the structure of the world market. However, starting in 2015, the market of retail sales of food, as other markets began to show a gradual return to pre-crisis levels. The activities of enterprises that have become obsolete for economic and moral grounds, has ceased. More transparent are many patterns of doing business. Scheme of the exchange of goods easier, as well as the procedure of depositing funds to the accounts of both enterprises and citizens. Consumers have become selective in their spending, citing the limitations of cash.

The period 2014-17. characterized by the growth of the industry. However, the first quarter of 2014 is characterized by a certain stagnation of development associated with the political crisis in Ukraine and radical revision of inter-state trade relations.

Look at the overall picture of the market of greenhouse facilities. It is necessary to consider it in the complex, because on some crops is a highly competitive one and you need to know about the business organization according to types of products.

World trends in the development of this market segment indicates a widespread adoption of intensive technologies and methods of growing plants in greenhouses, the use of new designs, materials, and energy-saving technologies. Research and development, innovation in the industry supported by States and private companies. Often government subsidies are subsidies on the energy supply of greenhouses.

Agriculture in Russia — a set of interrelated industries, specialized mainly in the production of raw materials for the food processing industry. Some of the agriculture produce ready for consumption products, further processing which is not required in all cases. For example, the production of vegetable growing, horticulture, dairy farming.

As a separate link APK you can also consider the complex of measures on state regulation of agroindustrial complex branches. In recent years, namely the state regulation of the agricultural sector has led to a steady increase in production volumes of most agricultural commodities, production sectors of the food processing industry of Russia.

In Russia currently, the greenhouse industry is developing as a dynamic and efficient agricultural sector, which is of great importance to supply the population with fresh vitamin-rich vegetables and flowers in a time when the open ground is not saturated with products.

Especially important is the use of the products of greenhouses in Russia in regions with harsh climatic conditions, which include most of the regions of the Russian Federation. The main problem of the Russian greenhouses is that currently there is no state regulation of energy prices, which in turn exacerbates the problem of replacing the old greenhouses of the Russian greenhouse industry.

According to market experts, the area of greenhouses in Russia over the last 20 years has decreased almost twice and now account for more than two thousand hectares. For comparison: in China — 1, 7 million hectares. The main problem is the development of greenhouses in the country (and especially in the far East) — high energy tariffs.

In the current Millennium, the people of Russia are ready to spend on fresh vegetables and herbs are a large part of its budget, than 10 – 15 years ago. The fashion for "healthy food", the recommendations of nutritionists, a close acquaintance with the "westernized" civilization, the culture of consumption of food, forcing our citizens to increase the proportion of vegetables in the daily menu.

At the same time, peculiarities of the Russian climate does not allow for year-round vegetable production in open ground. Long-term storage of fresh subject not all vegetables of the traditional menu of the Russians. Even in the most favorable for vegetable cultivation the southern region of the Russian Federation, vegetables "from the garden" can be obtained for a maximum of 4 – 5 months of the year. In the rest of the period fresh vegetables narrows to 2 — 3 months.

Thus, 8 — 10 months a year the population of Russia needs in the production of protected ground. Unfortunately, the typical Russian citizen on average uses almost 2 times less than recommended by the Institute of nutrition of RAS annual rates of fresh vegetables. And if in the warm season needs are met by the vegetables grown in the open ground, then 8-9 months of the year the majority of Russians are sorely lacking "live vitamins".

The main causes of low consumption of off-season vegetables by the Russians, are:

— too high prices

— doubtful origin of imported vegetables,

— lack of fresh products of decent quality at retail.

The average consumption of greenhouse vegetables national production barely reaches 4 kg per person per year. Imports of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, sweet pepper, herbs and other non-seasonal vegetables add another 7 kg to the table every Russian. The consumption of greenhouse vegetables and greens in Russia (both imported and domestic production) significantly differs between regions.

State statistics of the Russian Federation does not maintain records of the amount of actual consumption of greenhouse crops to the final consumers. Given the influence of regional factors and the structure of the logistics of fresh vegetables by regions of the Russian Federation, experts of the market consider that the maximum consumption of greenhouse crops typical for the inhabitants of Central and North-Western regions of Russia. During the year they consumed an average of about 16 kg of greenhouse products in person. This figure is 1.5 – 3 times higher per capita consumption in other Federal districts of the Russian Federation.

Greenhouse business in Russia is currently experiencing a new period of development. In the USSR the area of protected ground under the glass and the film was 3 times more than the current time. During the restructuring a significant part of industrial greenhouses fell into disrepair, more than half of the greenhouses were dismantled or simply abandoned. The termination of the usual subsidies, the gap of interregional ties, hyperinflation, falling living standards of the population, and then a sharp rise in energy prices has led to economically inefficient activities of many greenhouse plants.

The impetus for the development of farm business in Russia imposed on European manufacturers of sanctions on the import of agricultural products.

One of the main trends in the development of agriculture is the technical modernization of the industry. But in 2018, the projected slight decline in its growth rates due to the ruble devaluation and rising cost of imported equipment. Another important aspect is the subsidization of agricultural producers. State supported greenhouse vegetable growing, pig production, development of parent stock, seed, etc.

Intensive greenhouse farming has become urgent due to the deterioration of relations with Turkey, the average Russian consumes fresh non-seasonal vegetables in 2 times below the norm of 11 kg per year.

The Russian market is one of the most attractive for investors in the growing of fresh vegetables, in terms of volume and prices of sales in the cold season. Overall, consumer demand in Russia on greenhouse vegetable production has a stable positive dynamics.

According to nutritionists, the Nutrition scientific and research Institute of Moscow, the rate of consumption of vegetables per inhabitant of Russia in the year should be at least 87, 6 kg of vegetables, while taking into account climatic conditions, grown under greenhouse culture conditions, up to 15 kg. According to market experts, the real domestic greenhouse production gives about 630 thousand tons of vegetables a year. Ensuring the same minimum medical standards of consumption of fresh greenhouse vegetables, grown in the protected ground in Russia should be around 2, 197 million tons.

Calculate the potential market of consumers of products of the greenhouse industry. Statistics as of 01.01.2017.

Table 1 Potential market of consumers of production greenhouses

Name of the indicator Moscow Saint Petersburg Only in Russia In the European part of Russia In the Eastern part of Russia
The number of people in the village 11, 8 million people 4, 97 million people 146, 5 million people 115, 36 million people 27, 54 million people
The number of operating farms as of 01.01.2014 732 212 5186 4084 1102
The number of active farms on 01.01.2016 761 222 5259 4141 1118
Number.greenhouse products produced on 01.01.2017 G.
The fact 50, 97 thousand tons 22, 28 thousand tons 615, 4thousand tons 485, 99 thousand tons 129, 41тыс. tons
Plan 177 thousand tons 74, 55 thousand tons 2197, 5 thousand tons 1730, 4 thousand tons 413, 1 thousand tons
The average... measure... consumption. greenhouse.vegetables
-domestic manufacturer 15 kg per person per year 15 kg per person per year 15 kg per person per year 15 kg per person per year 15 kg per person per year
Common.area.working in greenhouses Decreases.10 hectares per year 2, 0 thousand hectares 1, 57 thousand hectares 0, 43 thousand hectares
The number of the missing products 126, 03 tons 52, 27 thousand tons 1582, 1 million tons 1244, 41 million tons 283, 69 thousand tons
The number of potential consumers of products not covered by the manufacturer 8, 4 million people 3, 48 million people 105, 47 million people 82, 96 million people 18, 91 million people

Considering the average data, the total number of population of the Russian Federation is 146, 5 million. The number of unserved consumers is 105, 47 million, is the undisputed basis of the opening of the enterprise greenhouse, as the demand of the consumer for the planned production of products is not satisfied.

Experts believe that the number of users of any service, allowing her to become socially significant, 1% of the economically active population. So, for Russia it is 1% from 71 million people, i.e. 710 thousand. That is, when properly constructed marketing policy, approach and organization of the production process, creating a reputation, opening new agricultural enterprises, namely greenhouses, able to exist, to perform their functions and to bring profit to its owner. Consequently, the organization of production of greenhouse crops with proper management should bring the planned profit.

Consider the competitive environment in the market of greenhouses according to the concentration, since a more detailed consideration affects the characteristics of the organization of the production process in a particular locality.

Table 2

Federal authorities of the Russian Federation Market share
1. The Central Federal district 30
2. Volga Federal district 5
3. The Ural Federal district 5
4. Southern FD 20
5. Siberian Federal district 5
6. The far Eastern Federal district 6
7. North-West Federal district 2, 5
8. Other 26, 5
Total: 100

Market greenhouses filled with participants. An important qualitative characteristic of the market of greenhouse facilities is the fact that the experts of foreign countries and Russia appreciate the high depreciation of most of the greenhouse plants. The level of operating costs of old greenhouses has reached such a level that their operation becomes unprofitable due to the huge cost of heating, repairs and reconstruction, insufficient number and often low quality products.

This can be one of the main competitive advantages in the creation of new high-tech greenhouses equipped with equipment of high performance with human potential, with a developed brand, a thoughtful financial plan and sales technology.

Average prices for main products of the enterprise are presented in table 3 "the price of the planned production of greenhouse agriculture ".

Table 3 Rates of planned production greenhouses

№ p/p Product name Price for 1 kg of production (RUB)
1 Tomato 80
2 Cucumber 70

Product prices are set based on average prices for Russia given the fact that the period product sales of one calendar year.

The sales prices of related products are dependent on the price of fertilizers and the soil in which they are grown.

So, investing in greenhouses is promising, despite the unstable conditions in the market, due to the public factor. The potential capacity of the Russian market at least two times higher than the currently produced and consumed volume of vegetable crops. The same situation in the consumption segment of fresh flowers. Relevance to the development of this kind of business gives the effect of the economic sanctions, the economic crisis against the countries of the former major participants in the process of turnover in the Russian market. Consumers in Russia increasingly prefer to buy products of local producers, caring for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family members, is a taste of the purchased vegetables.

Table 4 — Retail prices of tomatoes and cucumbers for the city of Krasnodar as of November 1, 2017, RUB/kg

Tomatoes 80
Cucumbers 70

The seasonal factor strongly influences the price dynamics of vegetable production throughout the year. The rising prices of vegetables in the autumn is due to the bookmark on winter storage main part of the harvest and consequent savings in the overall supply of products on the market. Also on the rise in prices during the winter period influence of the costs for storage.

With the purchase and consumption of greenhouse products consumers accumulate some experience, that is, a consumer knows where, what to taste and what price to buy tomatoes and cucumbers. Usually the consumer buys any product in the same place, from the same seller.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 36790
Created on: 26.07.2018

Russia, Adygeya Republic, Adygeysk

Project price: 70 605 350

Investments volume: 70 605 350

Stage: Business for sale

1423 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Akutin Pavel Iosifovich

Russia, Adygeya Republic, Adygeysk