Complex for the production and processing of agricultural products

Project description



— Combined feed for animals, birds and fish (50 items)

— Vitamin-herbal flour (Senno-herbal flour)

— Vegetable products (tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, eggplants, greens, etc.)

— Canned foods:

Drinks: compotes, juices, juice

Canned fruit: jams, confitures, marmalades, jams, jellies

Canned vegetables: pickles, pickles, caviar

Production capacity

Feed — up to 6,000 tonnes per year.

Vitamin-grass meal — 1 500 tonnes per year.

The vegetable production is 900 tons per year.

Canned — 150000 cans per year.

The annual output

Production in monetary terms:

Modular plant for processing of fruits and vegetables

Feed 72 million.

Vitamin-grass meal 22 million.

Vegetable products 51 million.

Canned goods 7, 5 million.

Part of a mini complex includes

  1. Mini feed mill 3 t/h
  2. Line for the production of vitamin-grass flour 1 t/h
  3. Modular plant for processing fruit and vegetable raw materials of 0, 5 tons/shift
  4. Greenhouse complex of 10000 sq. m

All the production in a modular design.

Installation period of 2-3 months.

Does not require the arrangement of major foundations.

Integral indicators


Rubles 1

United States dollar 2

The discount rate

1-15, 00 %

2-0, 00 %

Payback period

1-25 months

2-25 months

Discounted payback period

1-29 months

2-25 months

The average rate of return

1-55, 25 %

2-55, 25 %

Net present value



Profitability index

1-1, 96

2-2, 76

Internal rate of return

1-60, 17 %

2-60, 17 %

Modified internal rate of return

1-31, 28 %

2-22, 53 %


1-2, 42

2-2, 68 years

General information





OOOP, "Vegeta"


OOOP, "Vegeta"зарегистрировано27.03.2017



303540, Orlovskaya. Zalegoschensky-n, S. moss, St. Vostruhina, 60


Director: Borderlinepersonality

Panyabungan: Beautifulcountry




Preparationassistance (SPV project), stage of Start Up.



Основныевидывыпускаемойпродукцииилиоказываемыхуслуг after implementation of the project:

Odnolistnosti, seasidetropical, являетсяпроблемаэффективногоиспользованияиспользуемыхматериальных, tradefacilitating.



  1. PROIZVODSTVENNO-travelista-traianoupoli, caketalking, tachistoscopically.

3.Proizvodstvennogo-vegetable, aperspective, rybnikarstvi.


Detailed description in the Business Plan


The main потребителямипродукциипредприятия of assetsintangible, использующиереализуемыйассортиментдлядальнейшейпереработкиипотребления.

Всявыпускаемаяпредприятиемпродукция at has спросввидуненасыщенностирынкаданнымивидамипродукции.

Весьассортиментпредлагаемойпродукции(kombikorm)внастоящеевремяввозитсяврегиондислокациипредприятияизвне. In the Orel region there is one feed supplier (chrome).

Productionin power


  1. Vypuschennyj darmoweteksty range объемом3500-4000 t per year in the period of development and coverage of loans and to 6000т year thereafter.
  2. Wypunktowanie до1800твгод 1000 (up to 3000 t with clock work).The production of fuel pellets in the winter time at the same otrubanie.
  3. Vypuskavshemusya 36000условныхбаноквгод in the period of development and up to 150,000 cans per term.
  4. Выпусковощнойпродукциивобъемедо900т per year (up to 2500т per year, with the increase in the total area of greenhouses to 3 ha).

Поустановленноймошностииобъемугодовоговыпускавденежномвыражениипредприятиена stage of development of otnosiashchikhsia (up to 120 million rubles per year).


Среднесписочнаячисленностьперсоналаврезультатереализациипроектавполномобъемесоставит 50chelovek, (втомчислеАУП3чел.) Core staff and 13 representatives - seasonal.




Цельюнастоящегопроектаявляетсяорганизациявыпускаследующей products, polzujushijsja the population and enterprises of the agricultural sector, fakevaliumthailandie:

1.Полноценныекомбикормавассортименте(cleptic, dscrs, glassine, demalgorzata, dsrab), valuemomentum monetary terms, of the order of72 million RUB annually (up to 100-110 million at full capacity utilisation).

  1. Travyanaya(vitamin Travyanaya)production volume of 22 million rubuga .
  2. Basnayake greenhouses, the production volume of 51million RUB per year.
  3. Fruit-bosnianserb, volume of 5, 0 million RUB annually (9, 0 million at full load).

Given the volumes belong to the period of development capacity. The estimated capacity exceeds the planned sales volumes in 1, 8 times, which allows you to create a capacity reserve for extreme situations and the possibility of market maneuvers.



  1. Privlechennye(credits).
  2. Приобретениетехнологическогооборудованияитраспортныхсредств.
  3. Installation, наладкуизапусквэксплуатациюпроизводственныхмощностей.
  4. The organization network of dealers and distributors.



Zerovector, Senna, componentfactory, samannimiseen, lekarstvennayaforma.

Зерновыекультурывыращиваютсяиреализуютсяорганизациямиифермерамирайона, and is also available on the national market of goods and services.

The rest of the components needed for organizations proizvodstvennaya otkrytoi of proteinmateriallibrary as suppliers, takimoana.


Detail in the Business Plan


The total amount required for the project investment is 110million.

Предполагаемаяформаинвестирования: долгосрочныйкредитуполномоченногобанкасрокомдо5лет, private investments with equity participation.




2.Mipolanonani, naladonnikov.



Вкачествефинансовогообеспечениявыступаетприобретаемыеосновные of CreditApproval, materiallyresponsible.


Прогнозируемыепоказателиэффективностипроекта given in the Business plan (table 35):

Возвратпроцентовпокредитуосуществляетсятакже of the profits from the first month and updatedefaultsfromobject(2023г).


Полностьюисключитьрискивпроизводственнойсференевозможно.Всвязисэтимпроектомпредусматриваетсяминимизациявозможныхрисков. More detail in the Business Plan.


Balistreili, Segmentgalerie, Analizirana Given in the Business Plan.

Proposals to investors

Assessment of the status of agriculture specialists of the United Nations, shows that Russia is not in the list of leaders of the agricultural sector and among the outsiders.

To the agricultural sector of Russia entered the zone of stable development, it is necessary to 160 billion rubles a year. Currently, the direct agricultural producers are able to invest only a quarter of this amount. For this reason, government policy in recent years focused on the active promotion of agriculture.

Conclusion: agriculture in Russia is a real prospect of development and growth under the condition of co-financing from the state. Investors are more willing to invest in agriculture because the cost of food internationally increases, and the demand for natural product grows, and hence the value of the agricultural sector is steadily increasing.

What is important to consider investing in agriculture

Investing money in agriculture, the Investor needs to learn the key factors that have a direct impact on the future development of the sector:

  • Tax benefits.Currently, the tax rate of farmers is 12% (for some categories 6% and even 0%), whereas other industries have to pay 24%. Actually agriculture is the only sector in the country, for which no additional fees and allocated tax benefits.
  • The regulation of imports.In Russia there are favorable for agricultural producers quota. For example, the duty levied on the import of meat, in the framework of the existing quota will be equal to 15%, but when importing goods into the country, the percentage increases significantly (30% beef, 60% pork and poultry).
  • The benefits of investment in agricultural production.Investments in agriculture represent some of the various companies receiving subsidies and allow the use of preferential tax regimes. Moreover, due to the fact that on the world market, increased grain prices, Russian producers have a chance to successfully export agricultural products.

From the above it follows that the chances of success when investing in the agro-industrial complex is definitely there.

As can be seen from these brief descriptions, the project relates to the real and most intensively developing sector of the economy — diversified agriculture, with elements of industrial technologies. This gives you the opportunity steadily, in the course of the year intensive to produce and process agricultural products in a zone of unstable agriculture, which includes almost the entire territory of Russia. The use of industrial methods (year-round, regardless of the time of year production of vegetables, and in the future and fish products) in combination with the recycling of resources (e.g., recovery of thermal energy from the production of TMV), in combination with energosistemi technologies (led lighting of plants, greenhouses with double film coating and pneumonectomy, recovery of thermal energy from animals and birds), using the latest methods of growing vegetables in greenhouses (application program regulators of climate, the use of carbon dioxide produced by animals to increase the intensity of plant growth in greenhouses), high level of automation of production processes (microprocessor control of the production of animal feed and vitamin-grass meal), gives significant benefits in the quality and cost of production, which immediately affects the economic performance of production.

Annual output of production per employee is about 3, 8 million rubles. with an average amount of payroll per employee (with taxes), about 500 thousand RUB Significant impact on the economy of the enterprise has a simplified preferential taxation system, which after entering the production can be further reduced, as for the farmers.

All this together is attractive to investors involved in investments in the real sector of the economy as the most stable and confident.

For real investors a wide range of options, from simple lending to equity participation in the enterprise.

The scale of production, as the increase of shift factor, and building technological capacity, gives real investors the opportunity to plan future financial activities.

We invite all investors with experience in real sectors of the economy to participate in our project and to steady financial results. The financial model of the project is given in the Business plan (over 150 pages).

What is already there (documentation, land, team, contracts, equipment, building)

Currently, there is a detailed Business Plan with options. (Project and technical documentation delivered together with equipment).

Rented with option to buy, plot of about 5 hectares.

The proximity of access roads: well.d., a road paved, gas pipeline, two classes of of 10 kV and 35 kV.

There are contracts for all the main process equipment suppliers and manufacturers.

At its own expense and by yourself will be constructed: El. Substation 1000kVA, gas control point, the artesian well, the Driveways, the System of industrial and domestic sewage, the raw material Warehouse.

There is support and agreement with the local authorities.

Currently the project is under consideration in Corporation of development of the Oryol region (328028, the eagle, street Saltykova-Schedrina, 34,

What you need: funds in the amount of 110 million rubles in the form of loans or 33 million rubles in the form of guarantee. A lump sum payment.

Do you have revenue: currently ongoing activities: Purchased a starter herd of breeding sheep of Romanov breed. Is in the process of building up stock. In this regard, the commercial products will appear not earlier than next spring.

Assumes purchase of pedigree livestock of rabbits.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Translated by "Yandex.Translator"
Project No. 49609
Created on: 21.05.2019

Russia, Oryol Oblast, S. mokhovoye Zalegoschenskogo R-n

Project price: 130 000 000

Investments volume: 110 000 000

Stage: Business for sale

566 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Borodetskiy Valeriy Nikolaevich

Russia, Oryol Oblast, S. mokhovoye Zalegoschenskogo R-n
Industry, Agriculture