Breeze Almere Hotel

Project description

A hotel with 195 rooms, having zero energy consumption. One restaurant, one panoramic bar on the roof of the building, a gym, and conference rooms.

Environmental compatibility is achieved through the use of solar energy, wind energy and an unparalleled system of air cooling and heating without the use of air conditioners. The use of green technologies helps to eliminate the cost of electricity and get tax benefits from the government of the Netherlands and the municipality of Almere.

An additional, but equally important, the advantage is the fact that the project is an integral part of the world exhibition Expo 2022, Floriade (, dedicated to green urban planning. The exhibition is held once every 10 years and will be held from April to October 2022. Its exhibits will remain after the exhibition and will become an architectural, professional and tourist point of attraction. That will positively affect the hotel occupancy. In the future, it is planned to hold summits and conferences associated with the theme of the exhibition in this cluster.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project detailed information is available to investors after authorization.

Project No. 49982
Created on: 30.05.2019

Netherlands, Amsterdam, Almere

Project price: 25 000 000

Investments volume: 15 000 000

Stage: Development of existing business


2187 reviews

Contact details of entrepreneur

Chernega Denis

Netherlands, Amsterdam, Almere
Architecture, Hotel business, Real estate