Preparation of standard business plan (investment offer more than 160 000$)

Preparation of a standard business plan for all the individual requirements of the customer, with a detailed developed financial model, research of the competitive environment and market analysis.

We will improve the strategy and prepare a clear and logical business plan that can adequately justify your intentions.

Business plan structure:


It is a brief description of the main idea of the business plan, conclusions and important points of the business plan. The purpose of the resume development is to give a general idea of the project and to interest the bank / investor or other addressee in the further study of the business plan.

Goods description

(product, service, project). This section of the business plan contains a description of the products (goods, services, project, etc.), including the main characteristics of the products, and also gives an answer to the question what makes this product unique and distinguishes it from the products of competitors.

Market analysis

Here are the results of the analysis of the sales market, including an estimate of the planned sales volume, the potential market capacity and the level of competition.

Marketing plan

The section should include information on the objectives and planned marketing strategy, a description of the pricing system and the distribution scheme of goods, including methods for stimulating sales, the procedure for conducting advertising and PR campaigns.

Production plan

This section of the business plan is developed in the case when the business involves the organization of production of goods or goods, construction or reconstruction, etc. Here it is necessary to answer the question of how the production process will be organized, from the moment of purchasing raw materials and materials to the moment of release of the finished production, including the formation of all production costs.

Organizational plan

Includes the organizational chart of the enterprise, a description of the interaction of all company services among themselves, issues of control and coordination of the work of employees.

Financial plan

This section of the business plan contains the main financial information for the project. The financial part of the business plan, as a rule, includes the cash flow budget, the revenue and expenditure budget, the project financing schedule, and the calculation of the key performance indicators of the project.

Project risks

Here is a description of the key risks of the business being created and the ways of their minimization are determined.

Execution period: from 7 days

Price: from 635$