Kuznetsova Ramilya: "I have found a reliable business partner when searched the investments"

Kuznetsova Ramilya:

I started my own business since 2000. This idea was not innovative one, the retail sales of women clothes. After seven years of active efforts in this business, I could open my own, new franchise boutique of women clothes. For several years I have established required connections and got reliable partners. But the end of 2014 brought its corrective measures into settled mode of business. Franchisers decided to change the main clauses of the contract, and purchasing power of the Clients has significantly reduced. Accordingly the changing situation on the market also required the fast solutions. I started to search new suppliers of clothes; developed the marketing campaign and strategy for business, which could differentiate my saloon among others. The little thing left to do – search of funds for realization of what has been planned. By form of habit, I went to bank to obtain the credit, but at that period, my business was not in the list of prioritized activities for subsidizing. And conditions left something to be desired. In such a manner, I found myself trapped in a bind. I was in urgent need of money and not small ones.

Prowling the internet, searching, at least, some suggestion for “What to do?” and “How to build the business further?”, accidentally I faced the website of the company “Business Platform”, that proposed to find the investor for implementation and development of the business. Without thinking twice, and barely keeping my fingers crossed, I published my business idea on the website. And, as the saying goes, I did and forgot…And how I was surprised when after one month I received a call from the young man, who asked me to send my business calculations and brand presentation to his e-mail. With some concerns, but I’ve send the information and after one week I’ve received the invitation to personal meeting with the investor, and as a result there were achieved the agreements on periods and stages of my business- idea implementation.

In the course of negotiations, the Investor has studied in details my existing business, making analysis of marketing plant and calculations of business plan. From the investor I also obtained the valuable comments, which helped me to implement significant corrections into strategies of business development.

After approval of all conditions of investment contract with the investor, after two month from the first meeting, the funds for idea implementation started to arrive. After two months, we’ve opened the first multi-brand shop “GARDEROB”.

Now, same as several years ago, I have my own successful cost effective business, but its borders have increased significantly. In the person of the investor I could find reliable partner, currently with which we opened five multi-brand saloons in million-cities. And there is more to come!

You must admit that, the normal wish of every entrepreneur is the development of own business. When during definite period of time, you notice the lack of profit growth in your business, then you start think over possible variants and ways of its increasing.

And I’m grateful to the company “Business Platform” for their resource, with the help of which I could find no only finances for the promotion of my business, but also got a reliable partner. I wish further development and prosperity to the company.